Характеристика родительских форм томата и гибридов F1-F3 для механизированной уборки
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2021-01-14 10:06
SM ISO690:2012
ЦЭПОРДЕЙ, Алла. Характеристика родительских форм томата и гибридов F1-F3 для механизированной уборки. In: Aspecte ameliorative în ameliorarea plantelor, 6 septembrie 2018, Pașcani. Pașcani: 2018, pp. 480-488.
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Aspecte ameliorative în ameliorarea plantelor 2018
Conferința "Aspecte ameliorative în ameliorarea plantelor"
Pașcani, Moldova, 6 septembrie 2018

Характеристика родительских форм томата и гибридов F1-F3 для механизированной уборки

Pag. 480-488

Цэпордей Алла
Disponibil în IBN: 3 februarie 2020


For the uninterrupted supply of the processing industry with tomato raw materials, it is very important to have hybrids and varieties of different maturity. For harvesting tomato fruits, it is effective to use mechanized harvesting, since it will allow to ensure industrial production with raw materials in the shortest possible time, with less expenditure of manual labor and resources. As a result of the research three hybrids for mechanized harvesting were obtained. Our goal is to study them in F2 and F3, along with parental forms and hybrids F1 on a complex of economically valuable traits.

tomato, mechanized harvesting, trait, Yield, fruit weight, physical and mechanical properties chemical composition