Momentul istoric 1989 în relațiile româno-maghiare în contextul schimbărilor din cadrul Pactului de la Varșovia
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2024-03-06 15:59
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similare conform CZU
327(498:438)(091)"1989" (1)
Relații internaționale. Politică internațională. Activitate internațională. Politică externă (1468)
SM ISO690:2012
BANDI, Istvan. Momentul istoric 1989 în relațiile româno-maghiare în contextul schimbărilor din cadrul Pactului de la Varșovia. In: Revista Militară. Studii de securitate şi apărare, 2019, nr. 1(21), pp. 91-103. ISSN 1857-405X.
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Dublin Core
Revista Militară. Studii de securitate şi apărare
Numărul 1(21) / 2019 / ISSN 1857-405X

Momentul istoric 1989 în relațiile româno-maghiare în contextul schimbărilor din cadrul Pactului de la Varșovia

The 1989 historical moment in the romanian-hungarian relationship in the light of the changes in the Warsaw treaty

CZU: 327(498:438)(091)"1989"

Pag. 91-103

Bandi Istvan
Arhiva Istorică a Serviciilor Secrete de Stat din Ungaria
Disponibil în IBN: 23 ianuarie 2020


This article examines the well-known myth of Hungarian military intervention in the Romanian revolutionary events in 1989. The topic of the military intervention danger is treated using the Romanian and Hungarian historiographic and archival sources. Based on these, it turned out that in the shadow of the Ceausescu's anachronistic decisions, political, military and professional interested groups used the disinformation strategy to conceal their real activities. Although the political anachronism promoted by Ceausescu disappeared in December 1989, following the violent events, those political, military and intelligence actors who have composed and conducted the bloody historical score of Romania in 1989 have not disappeared. One of the misinformations suggested by them (and still repeated) was the intervention launched by the Hungarian armed forces in the events in Romania.

Hungarian military intervention, disinformation, Romanian-Hungarian relationship