Actions of a subgroup of the modular group on an imaginary quadratic field
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SM ISO690:2012
ASHIQ, Muhammad, MUSHTAQ, Qaiser. Actions of a subgroup of the modular group on an imaginary quadratic field. In: Quasigroups and Related Systems, 2006, vol. 14, nr. 2(16), pp. 133-146. ISSN 1561-2848.
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Quasigroups and Related Systems
Volumul 14, Numărul 2(16) / 2006 / ISSN 1561-2848

Actions of a subgroup of the modular group on an imaginary quadratic field

Pag. 133-146

Ashiq Muhammad, Mushtaq Qaiser
Disponibil în IBN: 15 decembrie 2013


The imaginary quadrati elds are dened by the set {a b√−n : a, b ∈ Q} and are denoted by Q(√−n), where n is a square-free positive integer. In this paper we have proved that if α =a √−nc ∈ Q∗(−n)= {a √−nc: a, a2 nc, c ∈ Z, c 6= 0}, then n does not hange its value in the orbit αG, where G =< u, v : u3 = v3 = 1 >. Also we show that the number of orbits of Q∗(√−n) under the a tion of G are 2[d(n) 2d(n 1)−6] and 2[d(n) 2d(n 1) − 4] a ording to n is odd or even, exept for n = 3 for whih there are exa tly eight orbits.Also, the a tion of G on Q∗(√−n) is always intransitive.

DataCite XML Export

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<creatorName>Mushtaq, Q.</creatorName>
<title xml:lang='en'>Actions of a subgroup of the modular group on an imaginary quadratic field</title>
<publisher>Instrumentul Bibliometric National</publisher>
<relatedIdentifier relatedIdentifierType='ISSN' relationType='IsPartOf'>1561-2848</relatedIdentifier>
<date dateType='Issued'>2006-06-05</date>
<resourceType resourceTypeGeneral='Text'>Journal article</resourceType>
<description xml:lang='en' descriptionType='Abstract'>The imaginary quadrati elds are dened by the set {a   b√−n : a, b ∈ Q} and are denoted by Q(√−n), where n is a square-free positive integer. In this paper we have proved that if α =a √−nc ∈ Q∗(−n)= {a √−nc: a, a2 nc, c ∈ Z, c 6= 0}, then n does not hange its value in the orbit αG, where G =< u, v : u3 = v3 = 1 >. Also we show that the number of orbits of Q∗(√−n) under the a tion of G are 2[d(n)   2d(n  1)−6] and 2[d(n)   2d(n   1) − 4] a ording to n is odd or even, exept for n = 3 for whih there are exa tly eight orbits.Also, the a tion of G on Q∗(√−n) is always intransitive.</description>