The efficacy of mass trapping method using different type of traps baited with pheromone to control tuta absoluta adults in field-grown processing tomatoes in Turkey
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635.64:632.782 (1)
Plante de grădină. Grădinărit (704)
Boli ale plantelor. Dăunători și organisme vătămătoare pentru plante. Protejarea plantelor (994)
SM ISO690:2012
AKSOY, Emre, ORKUN, Baris Kovanci. The efficacy of mass trapping method using different type of traps baited with pheromone to control tuta absoluta adults in field-grown processing tomatoes in Turkey. In: Horticultură, Viticultură şi vinificaţie, Silvicultură şi grădini publice, Protecţia plantelor, 27 septembrie 2013, Chișinău. Chișinău, Republica Moldova: Universitatea Agrară de Stat din Moldova, 2013, Vol. 36 (2), pp. 220-223. ISBN 978-9975-64-249-1.
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Horticultură, Viticultură şi vinificaţie, Silvicultură şi grădini publice, Protecţia plantelor
Vol. 36 (2), 2013
Simpozionul "Agricultura Modernă – Realizări şi Perspective"
Chișinău, Moldova, 27 septembrie 2013

The efficacy of mass trapping method using different type of traps baited with pheromone to control tuta absoluta adults in field-grown processing tomatoes in Turkey

CZU: 635.64:632.782

Pag. 220-223

Aksoy Emre, Orkun Baris Kovanci
University of Uludag, Bursa, Turkey
Disponibil în IBN: 23 iunie 2019


Turkey is one of the leading tomato-producing countries in the world. Tomato production is not without serious challenges such as invasive pests, however. Since the first report of the tomato leafminer Tuta absoluta in Turkey in 2009, it has become a serious threat to tomato production. The larvae of this destructive pest feed inside between the leaf layers forming leaf mines, which make it extremely difficult to control them using contact insecticides. Therefore, there is a need for alternative management methods such as pheromone-mediated mass trapping. In this study, the efficacy of the following treatments was compared for mass trapping T. absoluta adults using a density of 40 traps/ha in each treatment at four different locations in industrial tomato crops in Bursa, northwestern Turkey in 2012: i) Delta traps baited with pheromone only, ii) Water traps baited with pheromone only iii) Water traps containing both pheromone bait and a UV-light source, and iv) Insecticide treated blocks as a control. First adults were caught in early May and adult flight lasted until harvest at the end of August with 3 distant flight peaks during the growing season. Peak adult catches of up to an average of 200 moths/trap/week occurred in late August corresponding to one or two weeks before tomato harvest. Delta traps baited with pheromone only were significantly more effective in capturing T. absoluta males than pheromonebaited water traps with or without UV-light source. Overall, mass trapping effectively reduced the percentage of damaged fruits to 1.5% and seemed to be an economically viable alternative to insecticide applications. Key words: Tuta absoluta, invasive pests, pheromone, traps, Turkey.

Tuta absoluta, invasive pests, pheromone, traps, Turkey

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