The effect of the pulse source of power and the inductancecapacitance device on the process of nickel deposition
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SM ISO690:2012
GOLOGAN, Viorel, BOBANOVA, Zh., IVASHKU, S.. The effect of the pulse source of power and the inductancecapacitance device on the process of nickel deposition. In: Materials Science and Condensed Matter Physics, Ed. 7, 16-19 septembrie 2014, Chișinău. Chișinău, Republica Moldova: Institutul de Fizică Aplicată, 2014, Editia 7, p. 320.
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Materials Science and Condensed Matter Physics
Editia 7, 2014
Conferința "Materials Science and Condensed Matter Physics"
7, Chișinău, Moldova, 16-19 septembrie 2014

The effect of the pulse source of power and the inductancecapacitance device on the process of nickel deposition

Pag. 320-320

Gologan Viorel, Bobanova Zh., Ivashku S.
Institute of Applied Physics, Academy of Sciences of Moldova
Disponibil în IBN: 21 martie 2019


The aim of this work is to study the effect of the inductance-capacitance device (ICD) on the process of deposition and structure of nickel coatings using the source of pulse power.  The deposition of the coating was performed from the sulphate electrolyte (NiSO4—320 kg/m3, NiCl2—60 kg/m3, H2BO4—40 kg/m3, t = 400C, pH-4.5, ik—0.2 kA/m2) with the application of a double-wave rectification and scr control for the power source (60 Br).  The inductance was formed using the retardation coils with L = 5 H, and the required capacity was provided by the parallel connections of capacitors, which were mounted on the aluminum plates. Such capacitor pallets could be connected in parallel and in parallel with an opposite polarity. Polarization curves were obtained by the compensation method in a CE-2 galvanostatic mode for 30 sec. in a stationary electrochemic cell at a platinum cathode with a surface of 0.01 dm2. An EVL-1M1 silver-chloride electrode served as a reference electrode.  In order to study the spectra of the alternative current components (AC) and the morphology of growth the coatings, the latter were deposited on the flank of a polished surface of steel samples (St.3) with a 20 mm diameter. The AC spectra were examined using an SK4-56 analyzer and a GDS1072A-U oscillograph. The morphology of the growth of the coating was observed with a TESCAN scanning electron microscope.  It is found that when nothing but the inductance is connected, equalizing of the initial pulses occurs. Connection of the capacity restores the current form and increases markedly the values and frequencies of the AC. In the case of using only capacity, the pulse values increase by 2 times, and the pauses also lengthen.   Investigations of polarization of the electrode showed that the potential of the cathode is more negative compared to its value during the application of a three-phase power source under the same conditions of the deposition. The most positive potential of the cathode was established at connecting nothing but the capacity, which consisted of two pallets with C = 16000 µF each, connected in parallel with an opposite polarity (-876 mV at 1.0 kA/m2). In this case, the AC of the current were found to increase substantially, and their frequency value was over 50 kHz. However, the increase in capacity both at their parallel connection and the parallel connection of the pallets with an opposite polarity did not change significantly the AC spectra. The morphologies of the growth of the coatings that were deposited only using a power source with L and ICD being connected were almost the same. In the case of nothing but the capacity being connected, the morphology of the coatings changed substantially, and when the two pallets were connected with  C = 46000 µF each in parallel with an opposite polarity, the decrease in crystals (to 1 µm)  was observed on the surface of the sample; the crystals were conjugated and formed aggregations. Similar changes in morphology were detected at C = 32000 µF and also at the capacity consisting of two pallets at C = 16000 µF each and connected with each other in parallel with an opposite polarity.  Thus, the use of the source of pulse power and series connected capacity makes it possible to deposit nickel coatings with new properties.