Asigurările de malpraxis medical perspectivă inevitabilă pentru Republica Moldova
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SM ISO690:2012
EŢCO, Constantin, CAZACU, Veronica, PASCARU, Victoria. Asigurările de malpraxis medical perspectivă inevitabilă pentru Republica Moldova. In: Sănătate Publică, Economie şi Management în Medicină , 2010, nr. 3(34), pp. 25-28. ISSN 1729-8687.
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Dublin Core
Sănătate Publică, Economie şi Management în Medicină
Numărul 3(34) / 2010 / ISSN 1729-8687 /ISSNe 2587-3873

Asigurările de malpraxis medical perspectivă inevitabilă pentru Republica Moldova

Pag. 25-28

Eţco Constantin, Cazacu Veronica, Pascaru Victoria
Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu“
Disponibil în IBN: 14 decembrie 2013


The critical reforms, launched and successfully applied in the health system with the purpose of strengthening and adjusting it to European Quality Standards, initiated the system’s development. Lately the world community faced critics and objections related to the quality of health services provided to the population. At the same time grew the populations interrest towards the quality of health services included in the health policy or for remuneration. This increased the number of medical claims staff and the number of forensic expertise concerning doctors medical activity. A malpactice law would cover the current legal gap by defining the amendability for persons that work within the health system. In Republic of Moldova has the technical basis on which local legislation can develop a legal system concerning medical malpractice insurance. Our legislators should become aware of the stringent and inevitable necessity to introduce the responsability for errors professional negligence of the medical staff in the health system.

Обеспечение страхования медицинского малпраксиса - неизбежная перспектива для Республики Молдова В последние годы значительно вырос интерес пациентов к качеству медицинских услуг. соответственно выросло и число обращений в компетентные органы по поводу привлечения медицинских работников к ответственности за допущенные ошибки. Цель данной работы - это анализ необходимости внедрения закона о гражданской отвентственности медицинского персонала и, соответственно, страхования от малпраксиса в Р. Молдова.

patient, medical worker, responsability, malpractice, Insurance