The influence of the spectrum of the variable components of the current (voltage) on the process of deposition and properties of the electroplated coatings
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538.9+539.2+669 (2)
Fizica materiei condensate. Fizica solidului (349)
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SM ISO690:2012
GOLOGAN, Viorel, BOBANOVA, Zh., IVASHKU, S., SIDEL’NIKOVA, Svetlana. The influence of the spectrum of the variable components of the current (voltage) on the process of deposition and properties of the electroplated coatings. In: Materials Science and Condensed Matter Physics, Ed. 9, 25-28 septembrie 2018, Chișinău. Chișinău, Republica Moldova: Institutul de Fizică Aplicată, 2018, Ediția 9, p. 235.
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Materials Science and Condensed Matter Physics
Ediția 9, 2018
Conferința "International Conference on Materials Science and Condensed Matter Physics"
9, Chișinău, Moldova, 25-28 septembrie 2018

The influence of the spectrum of the variable components of the current (voltage) on the process of deposition and properties of the electroplated coatings

CZU: 538.9+539.2+669

Pag. 235-235

Gologan Viorel, Bobanova Zh., Ivashku S., Sidel’nikova Svetlana
Institute of Applied Physics
Disponibil în IBN: 10 februarie 2019


Representation of the results of the studies devoted to the effect of the parameters of the inductance-capacitance device (ICD) connected in the galvanic circuit on the process of deposition.  The analysis of the works demonstrated that alternative current trough the hydrodynamic effect on the polarization of the electrode hence on the properties of the coatings.  The form of the current of the power source and the values of the inductance and the device capacity are shown to influence substantially on the formation of the spectrum of the variable components in the galvanic circuit creating favorable condition for arising a polyfrequency resonance. These conditions of deposition facilitate synchronization of the stages of the electrochemical process and affect the electrolyte properties.  The ICD parameters affected substantially the morphology and structure of coatings. In the process of chromium deposition using a 3-phase rectifier from a standard electrolyte and the ICD, we obtained bright coatings with a current density increase to 12 kA/m2. Their morphology and structure differed markedly from the coatings developed under the optimal conditions of the electrolyte ik = 5,5, kA/m2 without the ICD.  The ICD makes it possible to increase the current density to 8,8-10,0 kA/m2 with micro hardness being increased to 11,0-12,0 GPa, wear resistance by 2 times and the deposition rate from 30 mkm/h to 85 mkm/h.  A similar effect the ICD produced also in the case of coating deposition using an accumulator as a power supply.  An increase in microhardness from 5,00 to 8,00 GPa using the ICD was also registered in chromium coatings as well, which were developed from tetrachromic electrolyte, which enhanced wear resistance up to the level of the coatings deposited in the standard electrolyte without the ICD.