Anormalous changes of lead content in the crystallization process of thin PZT films with increase temperature annealing
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537.226+544+621.382 (1)
Electricitate statică. Electrostatică (29)
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SM ISO690:2012
KAPTELOV, E., SENKEVICH, S., PRONIN, I., DOLGINTSEV, D., PRONIN, V.. Anormalous changes of lead content in the crystallization process of thin PZT films with increase temperature annealing. In: Materials Science and Condensed Matter Physics, Ed. 9, 25-28 septembrie 2018, Chișinău. Chișinău, Republica Moldova: Institutul de Fizică Aplicată, 2018, Ediția 9, p. 107.
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Materials Science and Condensed Matter Physics
Ediția 9, 2018
Conferința "International Conference on Materials Science and Condensed Matter Physics"
9, Chișinău, Moldova, 25-28 septembrie 2018

Anormalous changes of lead content in the crystallization process of thin PZT films with increase temperature annealing

CZU: 537.226+544+621.382

Pag. 107-107

Kaptelov E.1, Senkevich S.1, Pronin I.1, Dolgintsev D.2, Pronin V.2
1 Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute, RAS,
2 Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia
Disponibil în IBN: 17 ianuarie 2019


The crystallization of perovskite phase of PZT solid solutions usually realized at the presence of lead oxide vapors to prevent the lead losses at high temperatures. That is why to form perovskite thin PZT films, the ceramic targets are enriched by addition of lead oxide at RF magnetron sputtering. Lead losses are known to increase with perovskite crystallization temperature (Tc), as in PZT ceramics and thin films [1]. However, in [2] the nonmonotonic changes of lead content versus Tc were observed [2]. The aim of the present work was to study this phenomenon thoroughly.  The PZT films were formed by RF magnetron sputtering of a ceramic target (Zr/Ti=54/46) enriched by 10 % mol. of PbO. The films were deposited onto platinized sapphire substrates. The crystallization of perovskite phase was held at Tc=575-625 oC with the temperature step of 5 oC in conventional furnace in air. The composition, microstructure and dielectric properties of the samples were investigated. SEM EVO-40 with energy dispersive detector INCA was used to determine films composition. To measure dielectric parameters an immitance meter E7-20 was employed. The results obtained have confirmed the anomalous behavior of lead content (fig. 1,a), microstructure, and dielectric properties (fig. 1,b) with Tc increasing. The model of different mechanisms of perovskite phase growth was proposed and discussed to explain qualitely the experimental data (fig. 2).

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<creatorName>Senkevich, S.V.</creatorName>
<affiliation>Institutul Fizico-Tehnic A.F.Ioffe al AŞ din Sanct-Petersburg, Rusia</affiliation>
<creatorName>Pronin, I.P.</creatorName>
<affiliation>Institutul Fizico-Tehnic A.F.Ioffe al AŞ din Sanct-Petersburg, Rusia</affiliation>
<creatorName>Dolgintsev, D.M.</creatorName>
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<creatorName>Pronin, V.P.</creatorName>
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<description xml:lang='en' descriptionType='Abstract'><p>The crystallization of perovskite phase of PZT solid solutions usually realized at the presence of lead oxide vapors to prevent the lead losses at high temperatures. That is why to form perovskite thin PZT films, the ceramic targets are enriched by addition of lead oxide at RF magnetron sputtering. Lead losses are known to increase with perovskite crystallization temperature (Tc), as in PZT ceramics and thin films [1]. However, in [2] the nonmonotonic changes of lead content versus Tc were observed [2]. The aim of the present work was to study this phenomenon thoroughly. &nbsp;The PZT films were formed by RF magnetron sputtering of a ceramic target (Zr/Ti=54/46) enriched by 10 % mol. of PbO. The films were deposited onto platinized sapphire substrates. The crystallization of perovskite phase was held at Tc=575-625 oC with the temperature step of 5 oC in conventional furnace in air. The composition, microstructure and dielectric properties of the samples were investigated. SEM EVO-40 with energy dispersive detector INCA was used to determine films composition. To measure dielectric parameters an immitance meter E7-20 was employed. The results obtained have confirmed the anomalous behavior of lead content (fig. 1,a), microstructure, and dielectric properties (fig. 1,b) with Tc increasing. The model of different mechanisms of perovskite phase growth was proposed and discussed to explain qualitely the experimental data (fig. 2).</p></description>