Mortalitatea prin hemoblastoze în Republica Moldova în perioada anilor 2012-2017
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314.424:616-006.04(478)"2012-2017" (1)
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Patologie. Medicină clinică (7224)
SM ISO690:2012
BURUIANA, Sanda. Mortalitatea prin hemoblastoze în Republica Moldova în perioada anilor 2012-2017. In: Revista ştiinţifico-practică ”Info-Med” , 2018, nr. 2(32), pp. 65-68. ISSN 1810-3936.
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Revista ştiinţifico-practică ”Info-Med”
Numărul 2(32) / 2018 / ISSN 1810-3936

Mortalitatea prin hemoblastoze în Republica Moldova în perioada anilor 2012-2017

Mortality through hemoblastosis in the Republic of Moldova over the years 2012-2017

CZU: 314.424:616-006.04(478)"2012-2017"

Pag. 65-68

Buruiana Sanda
Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu“
Disponibil în IBN: 14 decembrie 2018


Cancer is a major risk of public health both globally, regionally and nationally. In the republic of Moldova (RM) cancer represents the same paternity specific to the globally one and is ranked second among the leading causes of death of the population [1, 2]. It also occupied the second-highest position among causes of mortality in children up to 15 years of age [3]. According to dates from the National Health Management Center of the ministry of Health, the mortality structure according to the causes of death actually did not change during the period 2012-2017: most deaths are due to the diseases of the circulatory system, followed by tumors, digestive diseases, accidents, intoxications and trauma, diseases of the respiratory system [4]. Hemoblastoses are malignant tumors that develop from hematopoetic tissue cells [5]. We differ in leukemia and lymphoma [6]. These two groups of hemoblastoses differ in clinical progression, treatment, prognosis and morbidity, mortality. Childhood hemoblastses accounts for 50% of all malignant tumors at this age, and acute leukemia accounts for one third of all malignant tumors (30 cases per 1 million inhabitants) with maximum development at 2-5 years of age [7].

mortalitate, hemoblastoze, hemoblastosis, cancer, mortality, cancer

DataCite XML Export

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<affiliation>Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu“, Moldova, Republica</affiliation>
<title xml:lang='ro'>Mortalitatea prin hemoblastoze &icirc;n Republica Moldova &icirc;n perioada anilor 2012-2017</title>
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<subject schemeURI='' subjectScheme='UDC'>314.424:616-006.04(478)"2012-2017"</subject>
<date dateType='Issued'>2018-12-01</date>
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<description xml:lang='en' descriptionType='Abstract'><p>Cancer is a major risk of public health both globally, regionally and nationally. In the republic of Moldova (RM) cancer represents the same paternity specific to the globally one and is ranked second among the leading causes of death of the population [1, 2]. It also occupied the second-highest position among causes of mortality in children up to 15 years of age [3]. According to dates from the National Health Management Center of the ministry of Health, the mortality structure according to the causes of death actually did not change during the period 2012-2017: most deaths are due to the diseases of the circulatory system, followed by tumors, digestive diseases, accidents, intoxications and trauma, diseases of the respiratory system [4]. Hemoblastoses are malignant tumors that develop from hematopoetic tissue cells [5]. We differ in leukemia and lymphoma [6]. These two groups of hemoblastoses differ in clinical progression, treatment, prognosis and morbidity, mortality. Childhood hemoblastses accounts for 50% of all malignant tumors at this age, and acute leukemia accounts for one third of all malignant tumors (30 cases per 1 million inhabitants) with maximum development at 2-5 years of age [7].</p></description>