Laborator de televiziune digitală la UTM
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776 4
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2023-01-28 22:48
SM ISO690:2012
IACOB, Mihail, DEMCIUC, Iurie, AVRAM, Ion. Laborator de televiziune digitală la UTM. In: Telecommunications, Electronics and Informatics, Ed. 6, 24-27 mai 2018, Chișinău. Chișinău, Republica Moldova: 2018, Ed. 6, pp. 176-178. ISBN 978-9975-45-540-4.
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Telecommunications, Electronics and Informatics
Ed. 6, 2018
Conferința "Telecommunications, Electronics and Informatics"
6, Chișinău, Moldova, 24-27 mai 2018

Laborator de televiziune digitală la UTM

Pag. 176-178

Iacob Mihail1, Demciuc Iurie1, Avram Ion2
1 Î.S. „Radiocomunicaţii”,
2 Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei
Disponibil în IBN: 30 mai 2018


The work refers to the activity of the laboratory of digital television, which operates since 2014 in the Technical University of Moldova. Is presented he composition and destination of the equipments used in the educational process. It was described the functional scheme of the technological chain of reception, processing and transmission of the digital signal. Educational levels have been explained which are taught in the framework of practical works.

satelit artificial al Pămîntului, orbita geostaționară, LNB, compresie, QPSK, DVB-S, IRD-2600, E-1000, S-7500, MPE-2, banda de frecvențe Ku, banda de frecvențe L.,

transponder, televiziune digitală, codare,