Post-quantum No-key Protocol
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004.056.55+517.958+530.145 (1)
Știința și tehnologia calculatoarelor. Calculatoare. Procesarea datelor (4283)
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SM ISO690:2012
MOLDOVYAN, Nikolay, MOLDOVYAN, Alexandr, SHCHERBACOV, Victor. Post-quantum No-key Protocol. In: Buletinul Academiei de Ştiinţe a Republicii Moldova. Matematica, 2017, nr. 3(85), pp. 115-119. ISSN 1024-7696.
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Buletinul Academiei de Ştiinţe a Republicii Moldova. Matematica
Numărul 3(85) / 2017 / ISSN 1024-7696 /ISSNe 2587-4322

Post-quantum No-key Protocol

CZU: 004.056.55+517.958+530.145
MSC 2010: 94A60, 11S05.

Pag. 115-119

Moldovyan Nikolay1, Moldovyan Alexandr2, Shcherbacov Victor3
1 St. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of Russian Academy of Sciences,
2 ITMO University,
3 Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science ASM
Disponibil în IBN: 10 februarie 2018


There is proposed three-pass no-key protocol that is secure to hypothetic attacks based on computations with using quantum computers. The main operations are multiplication and exponentiation in finite ground field GF(p). Sender and receiver of secret message also use representation of some value c ∈ GF(p) as product of two other values R1 ∈ GF(p) and R2 ∈ GF(p) one of which is selected at random. Then the values R1 and R2 are encrypted using different local keys.

Post-quantum cryptography, computationally difficult problem, discrete logarithm, commutative encryption,

conjugacy search problem, nokey protocol.

DataCite XML Export

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<creatorName>Moldovyan, A.A.</creatorName>
<affiliation>ITMO University, Rusia</affiliation>
<creatorName>Şcerbacov, V.A.</creatorName>
<affiliation>Institutul de Matematică şi Informatică al AŞM, Moldova, Republica</affiliation>
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<description xml:lang='en' descriptionType='Abstract'><p>There is proposed three-pass no-key protocol that is secure to hypothetic attacks based on computations with using quantum computers. The main operations are multiplication and exponentiation in finite ground field GF(p). Sender and receiver of secret message also use representation of some value c &isin; GF(p) as product of two other values R1 &isin; GF(p) and R2 &isin; GF(p) one of which is selected at random. Then the values R1 and R2 are encrypted using different local keys.</p></description>