Solomon Marcus – Omul care nu s-a plictisit niciodată
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811.135.1(092)+929:51 (21)
Limbi romanice balcanice (Limba română) (1473)
Biografii și studii înrudite (494)
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SM ISO690:2012
PĂUN, Gheorghe, ROZEMBERG, G. Solomon Marcus – Omul care nu s-a plictisit niciodată. In: Limba Română , 2015, nr. 1-2(229), pp. 139-143. ISSN 0235-9111.
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Dublin Core
Limba Română
Numărul 1-2(229) / 2015 / ISSN 0235-9111

Solomon Marcus – Omul care nu s-a plictisit niciodată
CZU: 811.135.1(092)+929:51

Pag. 139-143

Păun Gheorghe, Rozemberg G
Disponibil în IBN: 12 mai 2015


A Naturally Unique Scholar: Solomon Marcus – a Man Who Was Never Bored. Briefly recalling professor Marcus contributions to mathematics, mathematical linguistics, computer science, mathematical poetics, semiotics, natural computing, applications of mathematics and linguistics to various areas, his engagement in education, in the scientific and cultural life in Romania, and comparing all these with his natural modesty and approachability, we conclude that Professor Marcus is a naturally unique scholar.