Epidemiologia infecţiilor septico-purulente nosocomiale la pacienţii de profil chirurgical în municipiul Chişinău
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SM ISO690:2012
DODIŢĂ, Parascovia. Epidemiologia infecţiilor septico-purulente nosocomiale la pacienţii de profil chirurgical în municipiul Chişinău. In: Sănătate Publică, Economie şi Management în Medicină , 2008, nr. 5(26), pp. 101-104. ISSN 1729-8687.
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Sănătate Publică, Economie şi Management în Medicină
Numărul 5(26) / 2008 / ISSN 1729-8687 /ISSNe 2587-3873

Epidemiologia infecţiilor septico-purulente nosocomiale la pacienţii de profil chirurgical în municipiul Chişinău

Pag. 101-104

Dodiţă Parascovia
Centrul Naţional de Sanătate Publică
Disponibil în IBN: 13 mai 2014


As a result of studying septic-purulent infections in Chisinau city it was determined that mainly these one are registered among patients with surgical profile and represents from 41, 6% to 62, 9% from general morbidity. The nosologic structure is predominated by pus wounds (34,3%), post operation abscess (21,8%), phlegmon (11,6%), osteitis (9,7%), pneumonia, bronchopn e u m o n i a ( 7 , 7 % ) , peritonitis (5,9%). The highest share of HSPI was determined at abdomen cavity bodies - 57,3%. The ratio of cordial - vascular system infections decreased from 6,7% in 2000 to 1,9% in 2007. HSPI are determined by a large spectrum of micro organisms: E.coli, S.aureus, S.epidermidis, P.aeruginosa, Klebsiella. Micro organisms are resistant to antibiotic in 60,8% of cases. HSPI appear due to internal and external factors, as well due to infringement of sanitary regulations by public medical institutions.

DataCite XML Export

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<creatorName>Dodiţă, P.</creatorName>
<affiliation>Centrul Naţional de Sanătate Publică, Moldova, Republica</affiliation>
<title xml:lang='ro'>Epidemiologia infecţiilor septico-purulente
nosocomiale la pacienţii de profil chirurgical în municipiul Chişinău</title>
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<date dateType='Issued'>2008-12-01</date>
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<description xml:lang='ro' descriptionType='Abstract'>As a result of studying septic-purulent infections in Chisinau city it was determined that mainly these one are registered among patients with surgical profile and represents from
41, 6% to 62, 9% from general morbidity. The nosologic structure is predominated by pus wounds (34,3%), post operation abscess (21,8%), phlegmon (11,6%), osteitis (9,7%),
pneumonia, bronchopn e u m o n i a ( 7 , 7 % ) , peritonitis (5,9%). The highest share of HSPI was determined at abdomen
cavity bodies - 57,3%. The ratio of cordial - vascular system
infections decreased from 6,7% in 2000 to 1,9% in 2007. HSPI
are determined by a large spectrum of micro organisms: E.coli,
S.aureus, S.epidermidis, P.aeruginosa, Klebsiella. Micro organisms are resistant to antibiotic in 60,8% of cases. HSPI
appear due to internal and external factors, as well due to infringement of sanitary regulations by public medical institutions.</description>