Potential of use of gooseberries, currants and their hybrids as table fruits in the market network of the Czech Republic
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SM ISO690:2012
KAPLAN, J., DOKOUPIL, L., MATEJICEK, A., REZNICEK, V., TURCINKOVA, J.. Potential of use of gooseberries, currants and their hybrids as table fruits in the market network of the Czech Republic . In: Ştiinţa Agricolă, 2013, nr. 2, pp. 50-53. ISSN 1857-0003.
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Ştiinţa Agricolă
Numărul 2 / 2013 / ISSN 1857-0003 /ISSNe 2587-3202

Potential of use of gooseberries, currants and their hybrids as table fruits in the market network of the Czech Republic
CZU: 339.133(437.1/.2)

Pag. 50-53

Kaplan J., Dokoupil L., Matejicek A., Reznicek V., Turcinkova J.
Research and Breeding Institute of Pomology, Czech Republic Holovousy Ltd
Disponibil în IBN: 15 ianuarie 2014


An interest of customers in berry fruits – gooseberries, currants and their hybrids was examined in the framework of the project “Investigation of new technologies in growing gooseberries and currants with focus on quality and use of fruits” by questionnaire and presentation with degustation. This survey was carried out in June and July 2011 in four shopping centres with 500 respondents. Gooseberry and currant have traditionally been a popular Czech fruit. In the past, these species were grown mostly in home gardens and fruits were used for procession. Commercial production and sales of table fruits were relatively rare. The general part of our research was aimed at complex tendencies and preferences of consumers during their shopping and subsequent use of fruits and further at species composition. Totally 93.4 % of respondents buy fruits for direct consumption. Gooseberries (65.5%) as the second and currants (black 37.0 %, red 36.1 %) as the third followed strawberries, which are in the first place concerning preferences and interest of consumers in berry fruits. Consumers displayed smaller interest in white currant and hybrids of currant with gooseberry. Plastic trays (79.8 % of respondents) with content weight from 200 to 300 g (67 %) and from 301 to 600 g (25 %) were evaluated as optimal retail packaging. The survey has also shown interest of consumers (44.5 %) in off-season purchase of gooseberries and currants.

Berry fruits,

questionnaire, demand, Consumers, Czech Republic