Influence of flow regimes of movement and accumulation of transportation to increase toxicity of exhaust gas emissions by cities lines
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SM ISO690:2012
POROSEATCOVSKI, Vladimir, PLĂMĂDEALĂ, Visarion. Influence of flow regimes of movement and accumulation of transportation to increase toxicity of exhaust gas emissions by cities lines . In: Meridian Ingineresc, 2010, nr. 4, pp. 68-70. ISSN 1683-853X.
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Meridian Ingineresc
Numărul 4 / 2010 / ISSN 1683-853X

Influence of flow regimes of movement and accumulation of transportation to increase toxicity of exhaust gas emissions by cities lines

Pag. 68-70

Poroseatcovski Vladimir, Plămădeală Visarion
Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei
Disponibil în IBN: 9 octombrie 2013


В работе теоретически обоснованна методология оптимизации режима обслуживания маршрутов пассажирского общественного транспорта. В результате разработки методологии было установлено, что применение теории массового обслуживания для рационализации режимов обслуживания предоставляет реальные оптимальные решения. Одновременно, был сформулирован следующий принцип оптимизации: сведение к минимуму количества автобусов на маршруте может быть достигнуто путем увеличения значения коэффициента использования пассажиропотока на станции и периода скопления пассажиров на станции, до приемлемого для пассажиров уровня.

Le document propose indicateur synthétique des émissions environnementales des véhicules, les relations analytiques sont établies les indicateurs de l'environnement des émissions de l'état des routes, les systèmes de circulation et la densité de flux de transport automobile. Examiner les modalités de circulation suivantes: le régime de l'accélération, règles uniformes de circulation et système de freinage. Les règles uniformes de circulation sont examiné trois types de mouvement caractéristique: le mouvement à vitesse constante d'un véhicule seul pour le transport d'intensité faible, débit dans un flux dense d'intensité variable et des flux de transport, après le leader.

This paper proposes summary indicator of environmental emissions of vehicles, are established analytical links of environmental emissions indicators with road conditions, traffic schemes and flux density of automotive transportation. It examines the following traffic arrangements: the regime of acceleration, uniform traffic rules and braking system. The uniform traffic rules are being examined three types of movement characteristic: constant speed movement of a vehicle alone for low intensity, flow transport in a dense flow of transport and flow variable intensity after leading.

În lucrare se propune indicatorul sumar al emisiilor ecologice a transportului auto, sunt stabilite legăturile analitice a indicatorilor emisiilor ecologice cu condiţiile rutiere, regimurile de circulaţie ale automobilelor şi densitatea fluxului de transport. Se examinează următoarele regimuri de circulaţie: regimul de accelerare; regimul circulaţiei uniforme şi regimul de frânare. La regimul circulaţiei uniforme se examinează trei tipuri de circulaţie caracteristice: circulaţia cu viteză constantă a unui vehicul solitar în cazul intensităţii reduse a fluxului de transport; într-un flux dens de transport cu intensitate variabilă şi în flux după lider.