„Se cuvine o facultate de teologie la Chișinău?” – întreba profesorul universitar Constantin Tomescu în 1942
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173 1
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2024-04-07 16:10
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similare conform CZU
94:378.4:211(478-25) (1)
Istoria generală (531)
Învățământ superior. Universități. Cursuri universitare (2669)
Religii preistorice și primitive (26)
SM ISO690:2012
CORLĂTEANU-GRANCIUC, Silvia. „Se cuvine o facultate de teologie la Chișinău?” – întreba profesorul universitar Constantin Tomescu în 1942 In: Integrare prin cercetare și inovare.: Ştiinţe umanistice și sociale, 9-10 noiembrie 2023, Chișinău. Chisinau, Republica Moldova: Centrul Editorial-Poligrafic al USM, 2023, SUS, pp. 142-156. ISBN 978-9975-62-687-3.
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Google Scholar

Dublin Core
Integrare prin cercetare și inovare.
SUS, 2023
Conferința "Integrare prin cercetare și inovare."
Chișinău, Moldova, 9-10 noiembrie 2023

„Se cuvine o facultate de teologie la Chișinău?” – întreba profesorul universitar Constantin Tomescu în 1942

„Is a facultaculty of theology in Chișinău appropriate?” – was asking university professor Constantin Tomescu in 1942

CZU: 94:378.4:211(478-25)

Pag. 142-156

Corlăteanu-Granciuc Silvia
Institutul de Istorie, USM
Disponibil în IBN: 4 aprilie 2024


With the entry of Soviet troops into Bessarabia, on June 28, 1940, the Romanian administration was forced to take refuge on the right side of the Prut. The Faculty of Theology from Chișinău was evacuated to Iași. After the restoration of the Romanian administration in Bessarabia, in the summer of 1941, the Faculty of Theology no longer returned to Chișinău, but was transferred to Cernăuți. This created difficulties in the teaching and learning process, the transfer to Cernăuți of the teaching staff and also of the students, the loss of the archive of the first University in Chișinău – Faculty of Theology – Branch of the University „A. I. Cuza” from Iași. Among those who insisted that the Faculty of Theology return to Chișinău was the university professor Constantin Tomescu, the one who founded the Faculty in 1926 and who served as vice-dean for a long time. After a series of steps regarding the return of the Faculty to Bessarabia, in January 1942, he publishes a communication entitled „Is a Faculty of Theology in Chișinău appropriate?”, a work that disappeared after 1944 from the libraries in Chișinău. The copy found in the Library of the Holy Synod in Bucharest allows us to reconstruct an important page in the history of the Faculty of Theology in Chișinău.

Interwar Bessarabia, Faculty of Theology in Chisinau, Constantin Tomescu, university education in Bessarabia

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<dc:creator>Corlăteanu-Granciuc, S.M.</dc:creator>
<dc:description xml:lang='en'><p>With the entry of Soviet troops into Bessarabia, on June 28, 1940, the Romanian administration was forced to take refuge on the right side of the Prut. The Faculty of Theology from Chișinău was evacuated to Iași. After the restoration of the Romanian administration in Bessarabia, in the summer of 1941, the Faculty of Theology no longer returned to Chișinău, but was transferred to Cernăuți. This created difficulties in the teaching and learning process, the transfer to Cernăuți of the teaching staff and also of the students, the loss of the archive of the first University in Chișinău &ndash; Faculty of Theology &ndash; Branch of the University &bdquo;A. I. Cuza&rdquo; from Iași. Among those who insisted that the Faculty of Theology return to Chișinău was the university professor Constantin Tomescu, the one who founded the Faculty in 1926 and who served as vice-dean for a long time. After a series of steps regarding the return of the Faculty to Bessarabia, in January 1942, he publishes a communication entitled &bdquo;Is a Faculty of Theology in Chișinău appropriate?&rdquo;, a work that disappeared after 1944 from the libraries in Chișinău. The copy found in the Library of the Holy Synod in Bucharest allows us to reconstruct an important page in the history of the Faculty of Theology in Chișinău.</p></dc:description>
<dc:source>Integrare prin cercetare și inovare. (SUS) 142-156</dc:source>
<dc:subject>Interwar Bessarabia</dc:subject>
<dc:subject>Faculty of Theology in Chisinau</dc:subject>
<dc:subject>Constantin Tomescu</dc:subject>
<dc:subject>university education in Bessarabia</dc:subject>
<dc:title>&bdquo;Se cuvine o facultate de teologie la Chișinău?&rdquo; &ndash; întreba profesorul universitar Constantin Tomescu în 1942</dc:title>