Mental health services for the population affected by russian aggression
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616.89:355.48 (1)
Psihiatrie. Psihiatrie patologică. Psihopathologie. Frenopatii. Psihoze. Anomalii mintale. Stări morbide mintale. Tulburări de comportament şi emoţionale (292)
Operațiuni de război în general. Tactică. Strategie. Teatru de război. Istoria campaniilor militare (162)
SM ISO690:2012
VYSOTSKA, Krystyna. Mental health services for the population affected by russian aggression. In: All together for mental health: trauma and its prices for humanity, 12-15 octombrie 2023, Chişinău. 2023, p. 65. ISSN 2734 – 7443.
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All together for mental health: trauma and its prices for humanity 2023
Conferința "All together for mental health: trauma and its prices for humanity"
Chişinău, Moldova, 12-15 octombrie 2023

Mental health services for the population affected by russian aggression

CZU: 616.89:355.48

Pag. 65-65

Vysotska Krystyna
Necunoscută, Ucraina
Disponibil în IBN: 1 februarie 2024


Introduction: Since 2019, Ukraine has been in the process of reforming mental health services. With a fullscale invasion, the reform process faced new challenges. Circumstances forced Ukrainian mental health specialists to initiate new quality services to respond to emergencies, to be ready to recover from them, and to form a resilience to respond to new ones. At the same time, reforming the mental health care system continues and catalyzes more room to work on. Among the recipients of services are the population affected by Russian aggression: internally displaced persons, veterans, and people who experienced the occupation and lost their health, housing, and relatives. Methods: A survey of service providers in communities, needs assessment, creation, application, and comparison of mental health policies at the local level, and analysis of effective combinations of services for the population affected by Russian aggression. Results and discussion: The presentation will suggest possible solutions in mental healthcare provision applied by the MH4U project to help the population affected by Russian aggression in mental health. Tools, mental health care methods, and interventions used in communities will be highlighted. Selection of best practices for providing mental health care support for veterans and internally displaced persons, and other beneficiaries will also be suggested for discussion.