The impact of the zoobior remedy administered to quails on the markers of proteic metabolism
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619:615.322:636.59 (2)
Științe medicale. Medicină (11480)
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SM ISO690:2012
ROTARI, Liliana. The impact of the zoobior remedy administered to quails on the markers of proteic metabolism. In: Modern Trends in the Agricultural Higher Education: dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the founding of higher agricultural education in the Republic of Moldova, 5-6 octombrie 2023, Chişinău. Chişinău: Tehnica-UTM, 2023, p. 144.
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Modern Trends in the Agricultural Higher Education 2023
Conferința "Modern Trends in the Agricultural Higher Education"
Chişinău, Moldova, 5-6 octombrie 2023

The impact of the zoobior remedy administered to quails on the markers of proteic metabolism

CZU: 619:615.322:636.59

Pag. 144-144

Rotari Liliana
Technical University of Moldova
Disponibil în IBN: 21 decembrie 2023


Taking into consideration the beneficial properties of the ZooBioR product, an autochthonuos remedy, acquired through modern technologies from Spirulina platensis, under the conditions of the Republic of Moldova, the impact of this product on health, and especially on the clinical and hematological status of quails, is of great interest. Our research was carried out on 4 batches of quails, of 50 birds each, in three of which the feed was supplemented with ZooBioR in different doses (10.0-15.0-20.0 mg active substance/kg feed), and the birds in the control group, which were on a regular diet. The quails taken in the research were similar according to: age, origin, body mass, physiological state. The obtained results prove that during the study, over a period of about 5 months, ZooBioR, tested on quails in zootechnical farm conditions, did not induce adverse reactions, deviations in the health and productivity of birds. A clear tendency of increase of the total proteins in the blood serum was registered, with the average of 63.42 g/l in the control group, an increase of 9.8%, compared to the beginning of the study. In addition, the tested remedy induced lower values of total proteins, a phenomenon considered beneficial indicating an intensification of protein metabolism. In parallel, the ZooBioR remedy induced a clear tendency towards the end of the study to increase serum albumin by 5.0-9.1% compared to the control values, which justifies the aforementioned. The investigation of serum urea highlighted several essential moments: a tendency to decrease with age, of 4.8% compared to the beginning of the study; the increase of the investigated parameter at the first research by 5.6-30.9% and at the end of the study in experimental groups 2 and 3, respectively by 20.0-32.6% compared to the control. The uric acid values showed an increasing tendency under the influence of the tested product, of 10.9-20.6%, and at the end of the study the increase was 34.1-51.2% compared to the control. A remarkable fact was also confirmed in the case of blood creatinine dosage, a parameter which under the influence of the ZooBioR remedy increased in the first experimental stage by 1.7-15.5% and respectively at the end of the study by 8.4-15.4% compared to the control group, a phenomenon that attests to the intensification of protein metabolism under the influence of the tested product. In conclusion, we can state that the administration of the ZooBioR product does not negatively influence the health of quails and shows a beneficial effect on their protein metabolism.

albumin, creatinine, total protein, urea, uric acid, ZooBioR product, quails

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<affiliation>Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, Moldova, Republica</affiliation>
<title xml:lang='en'>The impact of the zoobior remedy administered to quails on the markers of proteic metabolism</title>
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<subject>total protein</subject>
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<description xml:lang='en' descriptionType='Abstract'><p>Taking into consideration the beneficial properties of the ZooBioR product, an autochthonuos remedy, acquired through modern technologies from Spirulina platensis, under the conditions of the Republic of Moldova, the impact of this product on health, and especially on the clinical and hematological status of quails, is of great interest. Our research was carried out on 4 batches of quails, of 50 birds each, in three of which the feed was supplemented with ZooBioR in different doses (10.0-15.0-20.0 mg active substance/kg feed), and the birds in the control group, which were on a regular diet. The quails taken in the research were similar according to: age, origin, body mass, physiological state. The obtained results prove that during the study, over a period of about 5 months, ZooBioR, tested on quails in zootechnical farm conditions, did not induce adverse reactions, deviations in the health and productivity of birds. A clear tendency of increase of the total proteins in the blood serum was registered, with the average of 63.42 g/l in the control group, an increase of 9.8%, compared to the beginning of the study. In addition, the tested remedy induced lower values of total proteins, a phenomenon considered beneficial indicating an intensification of protein metabolism. In parallel, the ZooBioR remedy induced a clear tendency towards the end of the study to increase serum albumin by 5.0-9.1% compared to the control values, which justifies the aforementioned. The investigation of serum urea highlighted several essential moments: a tendency to decrease with age, of 4.8% compared to the beginning of the study; the increase of the investigated parameter at the first research by 5.6-30.9% and at the end of the study in experimental groups 2 and 3, respectively by 20.0-32.6% compared to the control. The uric acid values showed an increasing tendency under the influence of the tested product, of 10.9-20.6%, and at the end of the study the increase was 34.1-51.2% compared to the control. A remarkable fact was also confirmed in the case of blood creatinine dosage, a parameter which under the influence of the ZooBioR remedy increased in the first experimental stage by 1.7-15.5% and respectively at the end of the study by 8.4-15.4% compared to the control group, a phenomenon that attests to the intensification of protein metabolism under the influence of the tested product. In conclusion, we can state that the administration of the ZooBioR product does not negatively influence the health of quails and shows a beneficial effect on their protein metabolism.</p></description>