The role of cytology in the differential diagnosis of lymphadenopathies in dogs
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619:616-006.442-079.4:636.7 (1)
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SM ISO690:2012
DINESCU, Georgeta, GAGNIUC, Elvira, SIMION, Andreea Alexandra, NICOLAE, George Laurentiu, TIU, Raluca Elena. The role of cytology in the differential diagnosis of lymphadenopathies in dogs. In: Modern Trends in the Agricultural Higher Education: dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the founding of higher agricultural education in the Republic of Moldova, 5-6 octombrie 2023, Chişinău. Chişinău: Tehnica-UTM, 2023, p. 130.
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Modern Trends in the Agricultural Higher Education 2023
Conferința "Modern Trends in the Agricultural Higher Education"
Chişinău, Moldova, 5-6 octombrie 2023

The role of cytology in the differential diagnosis of lymphadenopathies in dogs

CZU: 619:616-006.442-079.4:636.7

Pag. 130-130

Dinescu Georgeta, Gagniuc Elvira, Simion Andreea Alexandra, Nicolae George Laurentiu, Tiu Raluca Elena
University of Agronomical Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Bucharest
Disponibil în IBN: 20 decembrie 2023


Lymphadenopathy, localized or generalized, means an increased volume of the lymph nodes. It is a frequently encountered condition in dogs with complex etiology involving local or systemic dysfunctions. Lymphadenopathy is classified into reactive, inflammatory, primary tumors - lymphomas and secondary tumors - metastases. The present study aims to highlight the role of the cytological examination in the differential diagnosis of lymphadenopathy in dogs. The study was performed on forty dogs diagnosed with lymphadenopathy in the Teaching Veterinary Hospital of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest. The samples were obtained by fine needle aspiration technique (FNA), the smears were done by stretching technique, and May-Grunwald Giemsa staining was used. The smears were examined under an optical microscope with 200, 400, and 1000 magnification. The vast majority (53%) of lymphadenopathies were diagnosed in dogs between 6 and 10 years of age, showing a predilection for adult animals. In this study, no significant correlation could be identified between the occurrence of lymphadenopathies and the breed or sex of the dogs. The most common lymphadenopathy were primary tumors, 24/40 cases being lymphomas (60%), followed by reactive hyperplasia, 7/40 cases (17.5%), secondary tumors-metastases, 7/40 cases (17.5%) and 2/40 cases (5%) of lymphadenitis, both pyogranulomatous. Regarding lymphomas, of the 24 diagnosed cases, centroblastic lymphoma was identified as the most common form (13/24), followed by lymphoblastic lymphoma (6/24), centroblastic-immunoblastic lymphoma (4/24) and immunoblastic lymphoma (1/24). Regarding lymphnodal metastases in our study, 5/7 were carcinomatous, associated with breast tumors, and 2/7 were associated with melanomas, oral and cutaneous. The role of the cytological examination in the case of lymphadenopathy in dogs is essential because it can provide a quick, simple, minimally invasive and, in most cases, definitive diagnosis. All the cases included in the study had definitive diagnostics using cytology, confirming cytology examination's accuracy and specificity in evaluating dogs' lymph nodes.

cytology, differential diagnosis, Dog, lymphadenopathies