Cancerul glandei mamare – tactica de tratamentului conform stadiului maladiei
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SM ISO690:2012
CIORICI, Victoria, BACALIM, Lilia. Cancerul glandei mamare – tactica de tratamentului conform stadiului maladiei. In: CONFER 2023, Ed. Vol.12, 22-25 noiembrie 2023, Iași. Iași, România: 2023, Vol.12, pp. 356-358. ISSN 2344-5270.
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Vol.12, 2023
Conferința "CONFER 2023"
Vol.12, Iași, Moldova, 22-25 noiembrie 2023

Cancerul glandei mamare – tactica de tratamentului conform stadiului maladiei

Breast cancer – treatment tactics in accordance stage of the disease

Pag. 356-358

Ciorici Victoria, Bacalim Lilia
IMSP Institutul Oncologic
Disponibil în IBN: 4 decembrie 2023


Introducere: Cancerul glandei mamare (CGM) reprezintă cea mai frecventă patologie oncologică în rândul femeilor atât în întreaga lume, cât și în Republica Moldova. Conform datelor Cancer Registru Național (2022), în țara noastră, circa 30-40% dintre cazurile de CGM sunt depistate în stadiile local-avansate (II B-IV) comparativ cu un indice redus de diagnosticare a formelor in situ, precum și a stadiilor I-II de cancer mamar. Scopul lucrării: Evaluarea tacticii de tratament al pacientelor cu CGM conform stadiului maladiei. Material și metode: S-a efectuat un studiu retrospectiv și prospectiv care a inclus 140 de paciente în cadrul Institutului Oncologic (IO) din Republica Moldova, în perioada ianuarie 2019–aprilie 2022. Informațiile referitor la parametrii cercetați au fost colectate după observațiile efectuate asupra pacientelor, preluate din fisele medicale și cartelele de monitorizare clinică din secția Mamologie din cadrul I.M.S.P. I.O.. A fost studiată literatura privind cazurile similare. Rezultate: Cele 140 de pacientele incluse în studiu au fost divizate în două loturi în dependența de nivelul de avansare a procesului oncologic. În stadiile incipiente (I-II A) au fost 52 paciente, ceea ce reprezintă 37,1%, dintre care în stadiul I - 14 cazuri (26,9%), stadiul II A - 38 cazuri (73,1%). Paciente cu stadiu local avansat au fost înregistrate în 88 cazuri (62,9%), dintre care în stadiul II B (n=58; 65,9%), stadiul III A - 8 paciente (9,1%), stadiul III B - 18 paciente (20,5%) și stadiul III C - 4 paciente (4,5%). În ambele loturi au fost efectuate preponderent mastectomii radicale comparativ cu operații organomenanjante (84,6% vs. 15,4% - lotul I și 89,8% vs. 10,2%% - lotul II).Concluzii: Intervențiile chirurgicale în volum de mastectomie sunt efectuate atât în stadii incipiente, cât și local avansate, totuși cu o ușoară predominare în stadiile local-avansate (89,8% vs. 84,6%). Acest fapt se explică și prin faptul numărului crescut de paciente depistate în stadii local avansate comparativ cu cele incipiente (n=88;62,9% vs. n=52;37,1%).

Introduction: Mammary gland cancer (MGC) is the most frequent oncological pathology among women both worldwide and in the Republic of Moldova. According to the National Cancer Registry data (2022), in our country, about 30-40% of cases of MGC are detected in locally advanced stages (II B-IV) compared to a low rate of diagnosis of in situ forms as well as stages I-II of breast cancer. Aim of the paper: To evaluate the treatment tactics of patients with MBC according to the stage of the disease. Material and methods: A retrospective and prospective study was conducted including 140 patients in the Oncological Institute (IO) of the Republic of Moldova from January 2019 to April 2022. The information on the parameters investigated was collected from observations of patients, taken from medical records and clinical monitoring cards from the Mammalogy Department of IMSP IO. Literature on similar cases was studied.Results: The 140 patients included in the study were divided into two groups according to the level of advancement of the oncological process. In early stages (I-II A) there were 52 patients, which represents 37.1%, of which in stage I - 14 cases (26.9%), stage II A - 38 cases (73.1%). Patients with locally advanced stage were registered in 88 cases (62.9%), of which in stage II B (n=58; 65.9%), stage III A - 8 patients (9.1%), stage III B - 18 patients (20.5%) and stage III C - 4 patients (4.5%). In both groups radical mastectomies were predominantly performed compared to organ-anatomical operations (84.6% vs. 15.4% - group I and 89.8% vs. 10.2% - group II). Conclusions: Volume mastectomy surgeries are performed in both early and locally advanced stages, however with a slight predominance in locally advanced stages (89.8% vs. 84.6%). This is also explained by the fact that an increased number of patients detected in locally advanced compared to early stages (n=88;62.9% vs. n=52;37.1%).

Introduction: Mammary gland cancer (MGC) is the most frequent oncological pathology among women both worldwide and in the Republic of Moldova. According to the National Cancer Registry data (2022), in our country, about 30-40% of cases of MGC are detected in locally advanced stages (II B-IV) compared to a low rate of diagnosis of in situ forms as well as stages I-II of breast cancer. Aim of the paper: To evaluate the treatment tactics of patients with MBC according to the stage of the disease. Material and methods: A retrospective and prospective study was conducted including 140 patients in the Oncological Institute (IO) of the Republic of Moldova from January 2019 to April 2022. The information on the parameters investigated was collected from observations of patients, taken from medical records and clinical monitoring cards from the Mammalogy Department of IMSP IO. Literature on similar cases was studied.Results: The 140 patients included in the study were divided into two groups according to the level of advancement of the oncological process. In early stages (I-II A) there were 52 patients, which represents 37.1%, of which in stage I - 14 cases (26.9%), stage II A - 38 cases (73.1%). Patients with locally advanced stage were registered in 88 cases (62.9%), of which in stage II B (n=58; 65.9%), stage III A - 8 patients (9.1%), stage III B - 18 patients (20.5%) and stage III C - 4 patients (4.5%). In both groups radical mastectomies were predominantly performed compared to organ-anatomical operations (84.6% vs. 15.4% - group I and 89.8% vs. 10.2% - group II). Conclusions: Volume mastectomy surgeries are performed in both early and locally advanced stages, however with a slight predominance in locally advanced stages (89.8% vs. 84.6%). This is also explained by the fact that an increased number of patients detected in locally advanced compared to early stages (n=88;62.9% vs. n=52;37.1%).

cancerul glandei mamare, stadii incipiente, stadii local avansate,

breast cancer, early stages, locally advanced stages

DataCite XML Export

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<description xml:lang='ro' descriptionType='Abstract'><p>Introducere: Cancerul glandei mamare (CGM) reprezintă cea mai frecventă patologie oncologică &icirc;n r&acirc;ndul femeilor at&acirc;t &icirc;n &icirc;ntreaga lume, c&acirc;t și &icirc;n Republica Moldova. Conform datelor Cancer Registru Național (2022), &icirc;n țara noastră, circa 30-40% dintre cazurile de CGM sunt depistate &icirc;n stadiile local-avansate (II B-IV) comparativ cu un indice redus de diagnosticare a formelor in situ, precum și a stadiilor I-II de cancer mamar. Scopul lucrării: Evaluarea tacticii de tratament al pacientelor cu CGM conform stadiului maladiei. Material și metode: S-a efectuat un studiu retrospectiv și prospectiv care a inclus 140 de paciente &icirc;n cadrul Institutului Oncologic (IO) din Republica Moldova, &icirc;n perioada ianuarie 2019&ndash;aprilie 2022. Informațiile referitor la parametrii cercetați au fost colectate după observațiile efectuate asupra pacientelor, preluate din fisele medicale și cartelele de monitorizare clinică din secția Mamologie din cadrul I.M.S.P. I.O.. A fost studiată literatura privind cazurile similare. Rezultate: Cele 140 de pacientele incluse &icirc;n studiu au fost divizate &icirc;n două loturi &icirc;n dependența de nivelul de avansare a procesului oncologic. &Icirc;n stadiile incipiente (I-II A) au fost 52 paciente, ceea ce reprezintă 37,1%, dintre care &icirc;n stadiul I - 14 cazuri (26,9%), stadiul II A - 38 cazuri (73,1%). Paciente cu stadiu local avansat au fost &icirc;nregistrate &icirc;n 88 cazuri (62,9%), dintre care &icirc;n stadiul II B (n=58; 65,9%), stadiul III A - 8 paciente (9,1%), stadiul III B - 18 paciente (20,5%) și stadiul III C - 4 paciente (4,5%). &Icirc;n ambele loturi au fost efectuate preponderent mastectomii radicale comparativ cu operații organomenanjante (84,6% vs. 15,4% - lotul I și 89,8% vs. 10,2%% - lotul II).</p><p>Concluzii: Intervențiile chirurgicale &icirc;n volum de mastectomie sunt efectuate at&acirc;t &icirc;n stadii incipiente, c&acirc;t și local avansate, totuși cu o ușoară predominare &icirc;n stadiile local-avansate (89,8% vs. 84,6%). Acest fapt se explică și prin faptul numărului crescut de paciente depistate &icirc;n stadii local avansate comparativ cu cele incipiente (n=88;62,9% vs. n=52;37,1%).</p></description>
<description xml:lang='en' descriptionType='Abstract'><p>Introduction: Mammary gland cancer (MGC) is the most frequent oncological pathology among women both worldwide and in the Republic of Moldova. According to the National Cancer Registry data (2022), in our country, about 30-40% of cases of MGC are detected in locally advanced stages (II B-IV) compared to a low rate of diagnosis of in situ forms as well as stages I-II of breast cancer. Aim of the paper: To evaluate the treatment tactics of patients with MBC according to the stage of the disease. Material and methods: A retrospective and prospective study was conducted including 140 patients in the Oncological Institute (IO) of the Republic of Moldova from January 2019 to April 2022. The information on the parameters investigated was collected from observations of patients, taken from medical records and clinical monitoring cards from the Mammalogy Department of IMSP IO. Literature on similar cases was studied.</p><p>Results: The 140 patients included in the study were divided into two groups according to the level of advancement of the oncological process. In early stages (I-II A) there were 52 patients, which represents 37.1%, of which in stage I - 14 cases (26.9%), stage II A - 38 cases (73.1%). Patients with locally advanced stage were registered in 88 cases (62.9%), of which in stage II B (n=58; 65.9%), stage III A - 8 patients (9.1%), stage III B - 18 patients (20.5%) and stage III C - 4 patients (4.5%). In both groups radical mastectomies were predominantly performed compared to organ-anatomical operations (84.6% vs. 15.4% - group I and 89.8% vs. 10.2% - group II). Conclusions: Volume mastectomy surgeries are performed in both early and locally advanced stages, however with a slight predominance in locally advanced stages (89.8% vs. 84.6%). This is also explained by the fact that an increased number of patients detected in locally advanced compared to early stages (n=88;62.9% vs. n=52;37.1%).</p></description>
<description xml:lang='en' descriptionType='Abstract'><p>Introduction: Mammary gland cancer (MGC) is the most frequent oncological pathology among women both worldwide and in the Republic of Moldova. According to the National Cancer Registry data (2022), in our country, about 30-40% of cases of MGC are detected in locally advanced stages (II B-IV) compared to a low rate of diagnosis of in situ forms as well as stages I-II of breast cancer. Aim of the paper: To evaluate the treatment tactics of patients with MBC according to the stage of the disease. Material and methods: A retrospective and prospective study was conducted including 140 patients in the Oncological Institute (IO) of the Republic of Moldova from January 2019 to April 2022. The information on the parameters investigated was collected from observations of patients, taken from medical records and clinical monitoring cards from the Mammalogy Department of IMSP IO. Literature on similar cases was studied.</p><p>Results: The 140 patients included in the study were divided into two groups according to the level of advancement of the oncological process. In early stages (I-II A) there were 52 patients, which represents 37.1%, of which in stage I - 14 cases (26.9%), stage II A - 38 cases (73.1%). Patients with locally advanced stage were registered in 88 cases (62.9%), of which in stage II B (n=58; 65.9%), stage III A - 8 patients (9.1%), stage III B - 18 patients (20.5%) and stage III C - 4 patients (4.5%). In both groups radical mastectomies were predominantly performed compared to organ-anatomical operations (84.6% vs. 15.4% - group I and 89.8% vs. 10.2% - group II). Conclusions: Volume mastectomy surgeries are performed in both early and locally advanced stages, however with a slight predominance in locally advanced stages (89.8% vs. 84.6%). This is also explained by the fact that an increased number of patients detected in locally advanced compared to early stages (n=88;62.9% vs. n=52;37.1%).</p></description>