New data on insecticidal activity of some native bacterial and fungal strains
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SM ISO690:2012
MOLDOVAN, Anna, MUNTEANU-MOLOTIEVSKIY, Natalia, TODERASH, Ion. New data on insecticidal activity of some native bacterial and fungal strains. In: Agriculture for Life, Life for Agriculture: Section 6 Biotechnology, Ed. Ediția 1-a, 8-10 iunie 2023, București. București: University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest, 2023, Ed. 12, Section 6, p. 23. ISSN 2343-9653 (PRINT) ISSN-L 2343-9653.
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Agriculture for Life, Life for Agriculture
Ed. 12, Section 6, 2023
Conferința "Agriculture for Life, Life for Agriculture"
Ediția 1-a, București, Romania, 8-10 iunie 2023

New data on insecticidal activity of some native bacterial and fungal strains

Pag. 23-23

Moldovan Anna, Munteanu-Molotievskiy Natalia, Toderash Ion
Institute of Zoology, MSU
Disponibil în IBN: 23 noiembrie 2023


The research aimed to identify strains of bacteria and fungi to be used in the sustainable management of pests of the tomato crop in the Republic of Moldova. Ten strains of Bacillus spp. and ten strains of Beauveria spp. were tested against adults and larvae of the potato beetle species, Leptinotarsa decemlineata. Altogether four treatments were set up, two for adults and two for larvae. In performed bioassay tests, some strains have shown good insecticidal activity against adult insects. For further biopesticide development, highlighted strains will be physiologically, and biochemically characterized, and suitable formulations will be tested under field conditions.

insecticidal activity, Bacteria, fungi, potato beetle, pest management

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