The Development of Technology For Cultivation of the Black Soldier Fly
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636.087.7+602.3 (1)
Zootehnie. Creșterea și înmulțirea animalelor. Creșterea vitelor, a șeptelului. Înmulțirea animalelor domestice (837)
Biotehnologie (54)
SM ISO690:2012
BARCAR, Vitalii, HOLUB, Y.. The Development of Technology For Cultivation of the Black Soldier Fly. In: Protecţia plantelor - realizări şi perspective, Ed. 57, 2-3 octombrie 2023, Кишинев. Кишинев: "Print-Caro" SRL, 2023, nr.58, pp. 106-111. ISBN 978-9975-62-563-0. DOI:
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Protecţia plantelor - realizări şi perspective
nr.58, 2023
Simpozionul "Protecţia plantelor - realizări şi perspective"
57, Кишинев, Moldova, 2-3 octombrie 2023

The Development of Technology For Cultivation of the Black Soldier Fly

CZU: 636.087.7+602.3

Pag. 106-111

Barcar Vitalii, Holub Y.
Engineering and Technological Institute "Biotechnica" NAASU, Ukraine
Disponibil în IBN: 11 octombrie 2023


The analysis of the patterns of growth and development of the black soldier fly when grown in reservoirs of different sizes was carried out. It was found that the period of development of the black soldier fly from the week old stage to the beginning of pupal emergence in both variants of the experiment was 19 days, and the percentage of increase in the average weight of 200 pupae varied greatly from 2851,1% on the 10th day of rearing to 90,3% on the 25th day in the control and from 1832,1% on the 5th day to 112,5% on the 25th day in the experimental tank; the weight of one pupa during this period of development increased from 0,002 to 0,24 gr. in the control variant and from 0,002 to 0,27 g in the experimental tank.

technology of cultivation, Hermetia illucens L., patterns of development, artificial cultivation, biological parameters

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<creatorName>Holub, Y.A.</creatorName>
<affiliation>Инженерно-технологический институт „Биотехника“, Украинской Академии Аграрных Наук, Ucraina</affiliation>
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<description xml:lang='en' descriptionType='Abstract'><p>The analysis of the patterns of growth and development of the black soldier fly when grown in reservoirs of different sizes was carried out. It was found that the period of development of the black soldier fly from the week old stage to the beginning of pupal emergence in both variants of the experiment was 19 days, and the percentage of increase in the average weight of 200 pupae varied greatly from 2851,1% on the 10th day of rearing to 90,3% on the 25th day in the control and from 1832,1% on the 5th day to 112,5% on the 25th day in the experimental tank; the weight of one pupa during this period of development increased from 0,002 to 0,24 gr. in the control variant and from 0,002 to 0,27 g in the experimental tank.</p></description>