Clinical efficacy of resopac in intraoral surgical wound protection
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2024-04-24 05:54
SM ISO690:2012
ZORILĂ, Melania, VOVC, Maria Mihaela, TIGHINEANU, Marcela, BOLUN, Radu, FALA, Valeriu. Clinical efficacy of resopac in intraoral surgical wound protection. In: Digital technologies in multidisciplinary dentistry , Ed. 1, 9-10 septembrie 2023, Chişinău. Chişinău: "Print-Caro" SRL, 2023, p. 44. ISBN 978-9975-175-20-3..
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Digital technologies in multidisciplinary dentistry 2023
Conferința "Digital technologies in multidisciplinary dentistry "
1, Chişinău, Moldova, 9-10 septembrie 2023

Clinical efficacy of resopac in intraoral surgical wound protection

Pag. 44-44

Zorilă Melania, Vovc Maria Mihaela, Tighineanu Marcela, Bolun Radu, Fala Valeriu
”Nicolae Testemițanu” State University of Medicine and Pharmacy
Disponibil în IBN: 28 septembrie 2023


Abstract Background. Periodontal dressings are widely used for various purposes, although there is some controversy regarding their necessity following periodontal surgery. Resopac is commercially available cellulose-based periodontal dressing material that is hydrophilic in nature and adheres to oral tissue, differing in composition from other materials. Objective of the study. The aim of the study is to evaluate the clinical efficacy of Resopac after periodontal procedures. Materials and methods. A split mouth randomized controlled trial was conducted on 15 patients who underwent two periodontal surgical procedures on both quadrants of the maxilla or mandible. After the procedure, periodontal dressing was applied to the surgically sutured site, while plain gauze pack on contralateral site. The variables assesed incuded the severity of pain, bleeding, swelling, wound healing and nutrition experienced by the patients during the first 2 days after surgery and after 14 days. Results. The results showed no significant difference between sites with and without periodontal dressing in terms of swelling or nutritional problems (P>0.05). However, the use of periodontal dressing resulted in lower levels of bleeding and pain, as well as improved wound healing (P<0.05). Conclusion. Resopac has an effective role as an intraoral dressing after surgical periodontal procedures, improving postoperative patient comfort by reducing the postoperative bleeding and pain and facilitating excellent wound healing. Keywords: periodontal dressings; surgical flaps; pain; wound healing; Resopac.

periodontal dressings, surgical flaps, pain, wound healing, Resopac