Economical and social efects of „SDMC” computer control system implementation in the urban electric transport
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338.24:004.9:656.132 (1)
Politică economică. Controlul economiei. Conducerea economiei. Planificare economică (446)
Informatică aplicată. Tehnici bazate pe calculator cu aplicații practice (449)
Transport și servicii poștale. Organizarea și controlul circulației (278)
SM ISO690:2012
RUDÎI, Vasile, EŞANU, Vitalie, RÎMBU, Iurie. Economical and social efects of „SDMC” computer control system implementation in the urban electric transport. In: Analele Universitatii din Craiova - Seria Inginerie electrica, 2007, nr. 1(32), pp. 267-269. ISSN 1842-4805.
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Analele Universitatii din Craiova - Seria Inginerie electrica
Numărul 1(32) / 2007 / ISSN 1842-4805

Economical and social efects of „SDMC” computer control system implementation in the urban electric transport

CZU: 338.24:004.9:656.132

Pag. 267-269

Rudîi Vasile1, Eşanu Vitalie2, Rîmbu Iurie1
1 IM Chisinau Electrical Transport Utility,
2 Technical Scientific Company “Informbusiness”
Disponibil în IBN: 2 iunie 2023


Modernization of the urban electrical transport with computer systems on new technologies, in particular, IGBT-technology, is the way of solving of economical using of electrical power. In this paper is presented the three years positive experience of the trolleybus modernization from electrical transport department of Chisinau with computer control system type „SDMC”, developed and produced by STE “Informbusiness”.

computer control system, urban electrical transport, trolleybus modernization, economical-social effects