Ориентация молодых специалистов для воспитания здорового образа жизни учащихся
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2024-03-06 15:15
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similare conform CZU
37.013.42 (52)
Fundamente ale educației. Teorie. Politică etc. (4076)
SM ISO690:2012
ГОРАШ, Мариана. Ориентация молодых специалистов для воспитания здорового образа жизни учащихся. In: Освіта і здоров’я підростаючого покоління, Ed. 3, 4 iunie 2021, Київ. Київ,: Видавництво «Алатон», 2021, Ediția 3, Partea 1, pp. 31-36. ISBN 978-617-7834-07-5.
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Dublin Core
Освіта і здоров’я підростаючого покоління
Ediția 3, Partea 1, 2021
Simpozionul "Освіта і здоров’я підростаючого покоління"
3, Київ, Ucraina, 4 iunie 2021

Ориентация молодых специалистов для воспитания здорового образа жизни учащихся

CZU: 37.013.42

Pag. 31-36

Гораш Мариана
Кишиневский Государственный Педагогический Университет им. Иона Крянгэ
Disponibil în IBN: 2 martie 2023


In the context of rapid changes in society, with the reforms that result in education, education for health in schools is becoming an essential component of education, as well as because education is a complex and unitary system that presents several dimensions, corresponding to the main aspects of the human personality. The dimensions with regard to health education, intellectual, aesthetic, civic, physical, ecological, technological education, etc., are in interdependence and complementarity relationships, and sometimes - even in competition, which gives education a systemic, open character and dynamic. The school represents the most favorable environment on all dimensions of education, for the development of the skills of the students and young people, as well as of the beginner teachers who are at the beginning of the pedagogical career. However, students and young people constitute an inexhaustible resource, both as a numerical and a value weight, therefore, this category represents the segment of the population that needs increased attention not only from the state institutions, but also from the whole society.

education for health, students and young people, training, professors, beginner teachers.