Archaeology of the medieval time of the South Ukraine: problems and solution
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similare conform CZU
902/903(477-13) (1)
Arheologie (941)
Preistorie. Vestigii preistorice, artefacte, antichități (2105)
SM ISO690:2012
BILIAIEVA, Svitlana. Archaeology of the medieval time of the South Ukraine: problems and solution. In: Patrimoniul cultural de ieri – implicaţii în dezvoltarea societăţii durabile de mâine, Ed. 5, 22 februarie 2022, Chişinău. Iași – Chișinău: 2022, Ediția 5, p. 26. ISSN 2558 – 894X.
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Patrimoniul cultural de ieri – implicaţii în dezvoltarea societăţii durabile de mâine
Ediția 5, 2022
Conferința "Patrimoniul cultural de ieri – implicaţii în dezvoltarea societăţii durabile de mâine"
5, Chişinău, Moldova, 22 februarie 2022

Archaeology of the medieval time of the South Ukraine: problems and solution

CZU: 902/903(477-13)

Pag. 26-26

Biliaieva Svitlana12
1 Institute of Archaeology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,
2 Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University
Disponibil în IBN: 3 februarie 2023


The problem of the historical and archaeological research of the South Ukraine is one of the actual for the now days. It connect with com-plex of different factors, which accumulated in the representations of histor-ical past and absents of real information in archaeological materials. That is way there are much contradiction ideas about this region: from the theory of empty area (Wild Steppe) to the misunderstanding of real cultural content of historical process. The very complicated reason of such position is the fact of co-existence of settled and nomad population, the living space of which demand of different areas, different nature zones. In the course of last decades due to archaeological investigation the number of sources in-creased, which allow find the preliminary decision of some questions in the field of ethnology, economical mastering and culture. The more important results are the research of Juchid cities and burial ground on the Lower Dnieper of the end of XIII-XIV centuries, the excavation of fortresses of XIV–XVIII cent. in the North Black Sea Area. Building periodization of fortresses from the Moldavian and Lithuanian basis to Ottoman time allow to establish the existence of multicultural space and peculiarities of every period. The solution of the numerous problems of the history and culture of the South Ukraine depends from decisions of the number problems. The first task continue the every year expeditions and study material complex with using of modern equipment and methods, creation of new museum forms. On this way, the very useful is the international cooperation, which allow to attract various approaches to problems and collegial methods of its decision