Oral history at school as a way to preserve and promote the ethnocultural heritage of Ukrainians
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37.016:39(=161.2)(477) (1)
Fundamente ale educației. Teorie. Politică etc. (4090)
Antropologie culturală. Ethnografie. Obiceiuri. Tradiții. Datini. Mod de viață. Folclor (2302)
SM ISO690:2012
DROHOBYTSKA, Oksana, STEFANYK, Vasyl. Oral history at school as a way to preserve and promote the ethnocultural heritage of Ukrainians. In: Patrimoniul cultural: cercetare, valorificare, promovare, Ed. 14, 30-31 mai 2022, Chișinău. Chișinău: Institutul Patrimoniului Cultural, 2022, Ediția 14, p. 96. ISBN 978-9975-84-158-0.
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Dublin Core
Patrimoniul cultural: cercetare, valorificare, promovare
Ediția 14, 2022
Conferința "Patrimoniul cultural: cercetare, valorificare, promovare"
14, Chișinău, Moldova, 30-31 mai 2022

Oral history at school as a way to preserve and promote the ethnocultural heritage of Ukrainians

CZU: 37.016:39(=161.2)(477)

Pag. 96-96

Drohobytska Oksana, Stefanyk Vasyl
Vasilii Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Ivano-Frankivsk
Disponibil în IBN: 20 iulie 2022


Modern science understands oral history as the process of transmitting and recording memories, and various forms of newly created documents, as well as further analysis of the original sources. The focus is on a biography of an ordinary person, which reflects the history of everyday life and the realities of time. Therefore, one of the main is the autobiographical method. The use of oral history during school classes, as well as in the organization of research and exploration activities of student youth in out-of-school educational institutions seems to be especially interesting and promising. According to the authors of the manual “Living History. The Method of Oral History at School” (2020) the use of this method in a relaxed way motivates students to study modern history, often introduces them to topics not covered by the curriculum, and with regional specifics. If necessary, they visit a museum or archive, learn a number of practical skills (working with audio and video equipment) Student projects can be implemented in the framework of standard training, historical seminar or independent work in extracurricular activities. Research on oral history should also be used in group work. The work of such a group is carried out in two directions: theoretical (lectures on interview methods, reports, participation in conferences) and practical (expeditions to find respondents, direct interviews and its interpretation). Topics that should be actively developed through oral sources include: biographies of prominent figures of the region, the history of individual settlements, genealogical research and various aspects of everyday life. In addition to cognitive, oral history has a powerful educational value, because when getting acquainted with contemporaries, students often look at already known facts, rethink them, think more deeply about the problems of the older generation. In the process of interviewing, they gain invaluable communication experience, which is so necessary in the age of gadgets and the Internet.