Urban ecological restoration in a post-industrial context: the contribution of ecosystem services in the process of revitalizing small mono-industrial cities
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SM ISO690:2012
MĂGUREANU, Ioana-Natalia, SÎRBU, Cătălin. Urban ecological restoration in a post-industrial context: the contribution of ecosystem services in the process of revitalizing small mono-industrial cities. In: Present Environment and Sustainable Development, Ed. 17, 3 iunie 2022, Iași. Iași: 2022, Ediția 17, pp. 81-82.
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Present Environment and Sustainable Development
Ediția 17, 2022
Simpozionul "Present Environment and Sustainable Development"
17, Iași, Romania, 3 iunie 2022

Urban ecological restoration in a post-industrial context: the contribution of ecosystem services in the process of revitalizing small mono-industrial cities

Pag. 81-82

Măgureanu Ioana-Natalia, Sîrbu Cătălin
University of Architecture and Urbanism in Bucharest Ion Mincu
Disponibil în IBN: 9 iunie 2022


The integrity of ecosystems is absolutely essential for human well-being, as they ensure, through ecosystem services, the necessary conditions for a qualitative living. Consequently, maintaining a balance between human activities and natural processes should be one of the main objectives of urban planning. The importance of maintaining this balance has also become a priority in the global discourse on the role of the economy, which is gradually shifting towards a new system of values and objectives aiming at solving the pressing social and ecological issues and ensuring the well-being of the population (Lorek, 2013). Industrial cities are a relevant example for demonstrating the interdependent relationship between human activities and the quality of environmental factors. They illustrate both the magnitude of the anthropogenic impact on ecological functions and processes, and the reverse phenomenon of inhibiting socio-economic development due to the state of environmental factors. At the same time, these cities are unable to revitalize themselves with their own resources. On this issue, the article discusses the potential of intercommunaliy as an effective method of recovery through cooperation, by providing joint services and solving administrative fragmentation, the lack of resources, the difficulty of accessing funds or the lack of specialized staff that could attract funding. The paper aims to explore the extent to which former small mono-industrial cities in Romania can be revitalized and regain a set of relevant urban functions by economic correlation of larger areas and by providing specialized and complementary services to support new trends in the economy. In particular, the article will explore the need to stimulate a special category of services as a result of urban ecological reconstruction: ecosystem services, which play a key role in the process of "healing" and restoring the attractiveness of these cities and contribute substantially to restoring a stable balance between man and nature.

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<creatorName>Măgureanu, I.</creatorName>
<affiliation>Universitatea de Arhitectură și Urbanism „Ion Mincu" din București, România</affiliation>
<creatorName>Sîrbu, C.</creatorName>
<affiliation>Universitatea de Arhitectură și Urbanism „Ion Mincu" din București, România</affiliation>
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<description xml:lang='en' descriptionType='Abstract'><p>The integrity of ecosystems is absolutely essential for human well-being, as they ensure, through ecosystem services, the necessary conditions for a qualitative living. Consequently, maintaining a balance between human activities and natural processes should be one of the main objectives of&nbsp;urban planning. The importance of maintaining this balance has also become a priority in the global discourse on the role of the economy, which is gradually shifting towards a new system of values and objectives aiming at solving the pressing social and ecological issues and ensuring the well-being of the population (Lorek, 2013). Industrial cities are a relevant example for demonstrating the interdependent relationship between human activities and the quality of environmental factors. They illustrate both the magnitude of the anthropogenic impact on ecological functions and processes, and the reverse phenomenon of inhibiting socio-economic development due to the state of environmental factors. At the same time, these cities are unable to revitalize themselves with their own resources. On this issue, the article discusses the potential of intercommunaliy as an effective method of recovery through cooperation, by providing joint services and solving administrative fragmentation, the lack of resources, the difficulty of accessing funds or the lack of specialized staff that could attract funding. The paper aims to explore the extent to which former small mono-industrial cities in Romania can be revitalized and regain a set of relevant urban functions by economic correlation of larger areas and by providing specialized and complementary services to support new trends in the economy. In particular, the article will explore the need to stimulate a special category of services as a result of urban ecological reconstruction: ecosystem services, which play a key role in the process of &quot;healing&quot; and restoring the attractiveness of these cities and contribute substantially to restoring a stable balance between man and nature.</p></description>