Linguistic barriers in teaching intercultural communication competence
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2023-04-04 21:15
SM ISO690:2012
KOVALCHUK, Olena. Linguistic barriers in teaching intercultural communication competence. In: Empowering english language educators through action research, Ed. 7, 26-27 martie 2021, Bălți. Bălţi, Republic of Moldova: Tipografia din Bălţi SRL, 2021, Ediția 7, pp. 123-130. ISBN 978-9975-50-263-4.
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Dublin Core
Empowering english language educators through action research
Ediția 7, 2021
Simpozionul "Empowering english language educators through action research"
7, Bălți, Moldova, 26-27 martie 2021

Linguistic barriers in teaching intercultural communication competence

Pag. 123-130

Kovalchuk Olena
Lutsk National Technical University
Disponibil în IBN: 19 aprilie 2022


Recent situation in era of fast globalization makes immense emphasis on the importance of intercultural interaction between people. Thus, university graduates are required to possess intercultural competence in addition to strong academic skills as well as to overcome communication barriers caused by a clash of different cultures during interactions and encounters. This article discusses the way of communication competence is defined in various theoretical models by intercultural scholars. First, we considered the terms intercultural communicative competence (ICC) and intercultural competence (IC), for which critical cultural awareness is a fundamental element. We also investigate some crucial language barriers, which hinder mutual intercultural communication and implications of this analysis for foreign language education. The concept of language awareness lies in the field of foreign language teaching. The verbal (linguistic) side of intercultural competence has a complex structure and appears in various styles (different styles and genres, slang, colloquial or literary language, dialect, etc.) All these verbal communication characteristics determine the success or failure of communication. Consequently, the so-called “language barriers” of three types (stylistic, semantic and phonetic) were discussed as well. It appears that to overcome language barriers or misunderstandings in field of intercultural communication requires developing the forms of intercultural interaction, communication competence as well as specialized training in this area.

stylistic, semantic and phonetic barriers, intercultural communicative competence (ICC), linguistic knowledge.