Mici observaţii pe marginea unor texte eminesciene
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2024-06-10 16:12
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similare conform CZU
821.135.1-1.09 (160)
Literatură romanică balcanică (Literatură română) (2138)
SM ISO690:2012
MUNTEANU, Cristinel. Mici observaţii pe marginea unor texte eminesciene. In: Limba Română , 2022, nr. 1-2(267-268), pp. 84-87. ISSN 0235-9111.
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Limba Română
Numărul 1-2(267-268) / 2022 / ISSN 0235-9111

Mici observaţii pe marginea unor texte eminesciene

Brief remarks on some of Eminescu’s texts

CZU: 821.135.1-1.09

Pag. 84-87

Munteanu Cristinel
Universitatea Danubius, Galaţi, România
Disponibil în IBN: 22 martie 2022


In this article, I aim at presenting and analysing some interesting facts encountered in Eminescu’s literary works, mainly in his verses. Some of the respective facts belong to the expressive side (as figures of style). For instance, the use of oxymoron conveys, in a certain poem, the impression of “fluid solidity”; and the use of alliteration creates, even in prose, the effect of euphony or musicality (a particular virtue of Eminescu’s style). One can also comment, from a semiotic point of view, on Eminescu’s frequently employing the term semn ‘sign’ in a famous piece of poetry. Highly interesting is the manner in which the same poet tries to metaphorically grasp the essence of those cosmic things that cannot be properly defined, or the way in which he intentionally makes a grammar “mistake” for stylistic reasons.

Eminescu’s literary works, oxymoron, alliteration, metaphor, semiotics

Dublin Core Export

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<dc:creator>Munteanu, C.</dc:creator>
<dc:description xml:lang='en'><p>In this article, I aim at presenting and analysing some interesting facts encountered in Eminescu&rsquo;s literary works, mainly in his verses. Some of the respective facts belong to the expressive side (as figures of style). For instance, the use of oxymoron conveys, in a certain poem, the impression of &ldquo;fluid solidity&rdquo;; and the use of alliteration creates, even in prose, the effect of euphony or musicality (a particular virtue of Eminescu&rsquo;s style). One can also comment, from a semiotic point of view, on Eminescu&rsquo;s frequently employing the term semn &lsquo;sign&rsquo; in a famous piece of poetry. Highly interesting is the manner in which the same poet tries to metaphorically grasp the essence of those cosmic things that cannot be properly defined, or the way in which he intentionally makes a grammar &ldquo;mistake&rdquo; for stylistic reasons.</p></dc:description>
<dc:source>Limba Română  267-268 (1-2) 84-87</dc:source>
<dc:subject>Eminescu’s literary works</dc:subject>
<dc:title>Mici observaţii pe marginea unor texte eminesciene</dc:title>