Unele aspecte privind „cazul” Mitropolitului Gurie Grosu al Basarabiei
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SM ISO690:2012
SECRIERU, Vasile. Unele aspecte privind „cazul” Mitropolitului Gurie Grosu al Basarabiei. In: Confluențe Bibliologice, 2015, nr. 3-4(41-42), pp. 111-113. ISSN -.
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Dublin Core
Confluențe Bibliologice
Numărul 3-4(41-42) / 2015 / ISSN - /ISSNe 1857-0232

Unele aspecte privind „cazul” Mitropolitului Gurie Grosu al Basarabiei

Some aspects of the case of Gurie Grosu , the first Metropolitan of Bessarabia

Pag. 111-113

Secrieru Vasile
Mănăstirea Găvănoasa, Cahul
Disponibil în IBN: 13 martie 2022


The Metropolitan Gurie is „suspended” and retired by the Holy Synod in November 1936 . The Bishop was acused in the Diocesan Assembly that he would have practiced „absolutist” management methods . Many intellectuals among whom were Nicolae Iorga ,C. Cernăianu, Sebastian Teodorescu, Nicolae Popescu-Prahova defended Metropolitan Gurie. Being forced to retire from the position he held, Metropolitan Gurie Grosu will be set at Cernica Monastery, where he will be buried in November 14, .1943.

Gurie Metropolitan, monastery, the Diocesan Council, Archbishop Archimandrite