Enterosorption in the treatment of heavy metal poisoning
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615.916:549.28:616-8:661.183 (1)
Toxicologie generală. Studii generale asupra otrăvurilor şi otrăvirii (intoxicaţiei) (45)
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SM ISO690:2012
MIKHALOVSKY, Sergey, VOYTKO, Alex, DEMCHENKO, Violetta, DEMCHENKO, Pavlo. Enterosorption in the treatment of heavy metal poisoning. In: Chemistry Journal of Moldova, 2021, nr. 2(16), pp. 9-27. ISSN 1857-1727. DOI: https://doi.org/10.19261/cjm.2021.852
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Chemistry Journal of Moldova
Numărul 2(16) / 2021 / ISSN 1857-1727 /ISSNe 2345-1688

Enterosorption in the treatment of heavy metal poisoning

CZU: 615.916:549.28:616-8:661.183

Pag. 9-27

Mikhalovsky Sergey123, Voytko Alex3, Demchenko Violetta4, Demchenko Pavlo3
1 ANAMAD Ltd, Sussex Innovation Centre Science Park Square,
2 Chuiko Institute of Surface Chemistry, National Academy of Science of Ukraine,
3 “Technologika” SPE Ltd,
4 Institute for Occupational health of National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine
Disponibil în IBN: 2 ianuarie 2022


Heavy metals (HM) and their compounds are classified among most toxic substances to human health. As environmental pollutants, they can enter the human body with air, water and foodstuff. Some of them are ubiquitous in earth’s crust and thus may be naturally present in the environment at levels dangerous to living organisms, but more often they pollute the environment as a result of anthropogenic activities and accidents. Although cases of acute HM poisoning are rare, the chronic exposure of the population living in the areas of intensive industrial or agricultural activities and the occupational exposure of the personnel to heavy metals pose a serious health hazard affecting a large number of people worldwide. At present, only a few medical agents are available for the treatment of acute poisoning with some heavy metals and none have been designed for the treatment of people chronically exposed to HM. In this paper, the potential use of enterosorbents as a cost-effective and efficient means of reducing the health hazards of chronic exposure to HM including radioactive contaminants is discussed.

heavy metal, enterosorbent, radioactivity, chronic exposure