Rolul căzăcimii ucrainene în istoria politică a Ţării Moldovei (a doua jumătate a secolului al XVI-lea – începutul anilor 80 a secolului al XVII-lea / Украинское казачество в политической истории Молдавского княжества (вторая половина XVI в. – начало 80-х гг. XVII в.)
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94(478)"XV-XVI" (2)
Istoria Moldovei. Republica Moldova (69)
SM ISO690:2012
ДАМЬЯН, Виктор. Rolul căzăcimii ucrainene în istoria politică a Ţării Moldovei (a doua jumătate a secolului al XVI-lea – începutul anilor 80 a secolului al XVII-lea / Украинское казачество в политической истории Молдавского княжества (вторая половина XVI в. – начало 80-х гг. XVII в.). In: Revista de Istorie a Moldovei, 2010, nr. 3-4(83-84), pp. 43-50. ISSN 1857-2022.
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Revista de Istorie a Moldovei
Numărul 3-4(83-84) / 2010 / ISSN 1857-2022

Rolul căzăcimii ucrainene în istoria politică a Ţării Moldovei (a doua jumătate a secolului al XVI-lea – începutul anilor 80 a secolului al XVII-lea / Украинское казачество в политической истории Молдавского княжества (вторая половина XVI в. – начало 80-х гг. XVII в.)

The Moldavian princedom in foreign policy of the Ukrainian Cossacks (second half XVI century – the beginning of 80th of XVII century

CZU: 94(478)"XV-XVI"

Pag. 43-50

Дамьян Виктор
Институт культурного наследия АНМ
Disponibil în IBN: 15 decembrie 2021


From second half of XVI in political strike between Ottoman Empire, Gabsburg Empire, Poland for influence over Moldova the Ukrainian Cossacks start to interfere. Degree of its influence on political history of Moldova was based with the following provisions: the regional neighbourhood, ethnic and religious generality, antiosman orientations, dynastic communications, features the international relations in East and the Central Europe, Features of position of Moldova as a part of Ottoman empire.

Dublin Core Export

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<dc:creator>Damian, V.</dc:creator>
<dc:description xml:lang='en'><p>From second half of XVI in political strike between Ottoman Empire, Gabsburg Empire, Poland for influence over Moldova the Ukrainian Cossacks start to interfere. Degree of its influence on political history of Moldova was based with the following provisions: the regional neighbourhood, ethnic and religious generality, antiosman orientations, dynastic communications, features the international relations in East and the Central Europe, Features of position of Moldova as a part of Ottoman empire.</p></dc:description>
<dc:source>Revista de Istorie a Moldovei 83-84 (3-4) 43-50</dc:source>
<dc:title>Rolul căzăcimii ucrainene &icirc;n istoria politică a Ţării Moldovei (a doua jumătate a secolului al XVI-lea &ndash; &icirc;nceputul anilor 80 a secolului al XVII-lea / Украинское казачество в политической истории Молдавского княжества (вторая половина XVI в. &ndash; начало 80-х гг. XVII в.)</dc:title>