Отношение гагаузов к смешанным бракам в контексте культуры адаптации и этнической толерантности: исторический и современный контексты
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similare conform CZU
392.5(=512.165)(478) (2)
Obiceiuri, datini privind viața particulară (277)
SM ISO690:2012
КВИЛИНКОВА, Елизавета. Отношение гагаузов к смешанным бракам в контексте культуры адаптации и этнической толерантности: исторический и современный контексты. In: Tradiţii şi procese etnice, Ed. 2, 30 martie 2021, Chişinău. Chişinău: Fox Trading SRL, 2021, Ediția 2, pp. 203-210. ISBN 978-9975-3337-8-8. DOI: https://doi.org/10.52603/9789975333788.28
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Tradiţii şi procese etnice
Ediția 2, 2021
Simpozionul "Tradiţii şi procese etnice"
2, Chişinău, Moldova, 30 martie 2021

Отношение гагаузов к смешанным бракам в контексте культуры адаптации и этнической толерантности: исторический и современный контексты

The attitude of Gagauz to inter-ethnic marriages in the context of adaptation culture and ethnic tolerance: the past and nowadays contexts

CZU: 392.5(=512.165)(478)

Pag. 203-210

Квилинкова Елизавета
Институт искусствоведения, этнографии и фольклора им. К.Крапивы НАНБ
Disponibil în IBN: 5 noiembrie 2021


The article examines the attitude of the Bessarabian Gagauz to mixed marriages. Their inherent ethnic preferences in this matter are revealed. Through the attitude towards mixed marriages, their culture of adaptation and the degree of ethnic tolerance are analyzed. The reasons for a certain distance between the Gagauz and the Bulgarians in the issue of concluding mixed marriages are considered. Based on the results of ethnosociological studies, the author concludes that the Gagauz people are a community that is quite open for intercultural contacts and interaction, but at the same time capable of resisting assimilation processes. It is emphasized that an integral part of the ethnic consciousness of the Gagauz people is a tolerant attitude towards other peoples and cultures, which is also manifested in a rather large number of mixed marriages. It is noted that this attitude is «registered» in the Gagauz code of traditional moral values and is passed down from generation to generation.

The attitude of, Gagauz to inter-ethnic marriages in the context of adaptation culture and ethnic tolerance: the past and nowadays contexts

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