Nume din...nume
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243 1
Ultima descărcare din IBN:
2022-02-03 13:10
SM ISO690:2012
NISTEA, Marinela-Doina. Nume din...nume. In: Construcții identitare. Reverberaţii ale modelului cultural francez în context european şi universal.: Lingvistică , 19-20 aprilie 2013, Bălți. Bălți: Editura Presa universitară bălțeană, Bălţi & Editura Vasiliana ’98, Iaşi, 2014, Vol. 3, pp. 169-178. ISBN 978-973-116-365-9.
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Dublin Core
Construcții identitare. Reverberaţii ale modelului cultural francez în context european şi universal.
Vol. 3, 2014
Colocviul "Construcții identitare. Reverberaţii ale modelului cultural francez în context european şi universal"
Bălți, Moldova, 19-20 aprilie 2013

Nume din...nume

Pag. 169-178

Nistea Marinela-Doina
Universitatea Tehnica de Constructii, Bucuresti
Disponibil în IBN: 21 septembrie 2021


Dans cet ouvrage, nous partons à la pêche aux noms communs qui se cachent dans les noms propres, avec, pour chaque prise, un commentaire toujours instructif et agréable à lire. Nous avons cherché des mots communs qui ont souvent une histoire complexe et plaisante, et pour chacun d`entre eux nous en avons trouvé les définitions. Ainsi, chaque nom propre, emprunté au patrimoine mondial, vit-il une seconde vie chez les noms communs. Enfin, l’on rend hommage à ces noms de personnes, de villes, de pays, de personnages mythologiques, dont la renommée a transcendé les genres, au point de se transposer dans le langage courant.

This paper aims at analysing the common nouns hiding under the proper nouns with instructive and at the same time pleasant comments for each example. We have taken into consideration common nouns which sometimes have a complex and interesting story and we also defined each of them. Thus, every common noun borrowed from the world’s patrimony lives a second life through common nouns. We also aim at studying names of cities, people, and countries, together with those of mythological characters whose reputation went beyond genders, thus passing into the common language.

appellatif, mots dérivés, éponyme, propre,

appellative, derived words, eponym, proper/common nouns