Perspective ale investigarii stiintifice a poleirilor vechi
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SM ISO690:2012
SANDU, Irina Crina Anca. Perspective ale investigarii stiintifice a poleirilor vechi. In: Cucuteni - 5000 Redivivus: Ştiinţe exacte şi mai puţin exacte, Ed. 3, 11-12 septembrie 2008, Chişinău. Chişinău: Editura UTM, 2008, Ediţia 3, pp. 105-111. ISBN 978-9975-45-094-2 .
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Dublin Core
Cucuteni - 5000 Redivivus: Ştiinţe exacte şi mai puţin exacte
Ediţia 3, 2008
Conferința "Comunicări prezentate la cel de-al treilea simpozion CUCUTENI–5000 Redivivus:"
3, Chişinău, Moldova, 11-12 septembrie 2008

Perspective ale investigarii stiintifice a poleirilor vechi

Pag. 105-111

Sandu Irina Crina Anca
Universitatea Nouă Lisabona
Disponibil în IBN: 24 aprilie 2021


Gilding is one of the most ancient decoration using metal coating for covering and embellishing the surfaces of artworks and monuments, making part of the international cultural heritage. A comparative study between the techniques and materials of gilding used in Eastern countries (such Romania, Greece, Bulgaria, Macedonia) and Western ones (Portugal, Italy, Spain) could lead to a better understanding of the historical and economical conditions of the times in which the objects were created but also to a thorough approach of the technological knowledge and of the characteristics and specificity of each typology developed in each stage and historical-geographical space. The results of such a study can be used for building-up a multimedial tool (database or web-site) in which the efforts and competences of various specialists in fields like art history, artistic photography and imaging techniques, informatics, iconography, restoration-conservation and museology would contribute to a better understanding and illustration of all these aspects. The field of conservation of cultural heritage is one of those INTERDISCIPLINARY and CROSS-BRIDGING FIELDS in which ethical, historical, scientific and cultural issues are concurring to assure an optimum knowledge of the cultural assets and best conditions and treatments for their transmission to future generations. The conservation-restoration field encompasses very different activities which demand that this research be carried out from many different viewpoints, from that of Art History to understanding the cultural realm which the assets are a part of. Before any treatments is undertaken, an object – and can be the case of a gilded sculpture or icon – has to be studied and analyzed for drawing out the CONSERVATION SHEET, describing the conservation state and/or problematics to be solved and also for a better design of the restoration interventions.

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