Delimitarea infracțiunilor prevăzute la art.190 CP RM de infracțiunile prevăzute la art.196 CP RM: conotații teoretice și practice
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SM ISO690:2012
BRÎNZĂ, Liubovi, RENIŢĂ, Gheorghe. Delimitarea infracțiunilor prevăzute la art.190 CP RM de infracțiunile prevăzute la art.196 CP RM: conotații teoretice și practice. In: Perspectivele şi Problemele Integrării în Spaţiul European al Cercetării şi Educaţiei, 7 iunie 2016, Cahul. Cahul: Centrografic, 2016, Vol.1, pp. 151-155. ISBN 978-9975-88-007-7.
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Perspectivele şi Problemele Integrării în Spaţiul European al Cercetării şi Educaţiei
Vol.1, 2016
Conferința "Perspectivele şi Problemele Integrării în Spaţiul European al Cercetării şi Educaţiei"
Cahul, Moldova, 7 iunie 2016

Delimitarea infracțiunilor prevăzute la art.190 CP RM de infracțiunile prevăzute la art.196 CP RM: conotații teoretice și practice

Pag. 151-155

Brînză Liubovi1, Reniţă Gheorghe2
1 Curtea de Apel Chişinău,
2 Judecătoria Centru, mun. Chişinău
Disponibil în IBN: 24 martie 2021


In this study the similarities and differences between the crimes under the marginal name of fraud (art.190 PC RM) and the crimes under the name of causing material damage through deception or abuse of trust (art.196 PC RM) are outlined. It revealed that similar adjacent actions, which are manifested either by deception or by abuse of trust, are both present in the criminal activity in art.190 and 196 PC RM. Also, it is accentuated that the rights upon the goods of another person – movable or unmovable – do not constitute object of criminal influence when related to crimes provided in art.190 PC RM whereas such a possibility that these rights could affect the criminal influence for the offences of art.196 PC RM is potential. Not least, it is concluded that in the hypothesis of crimes stipulated in art.190 PC RM, the main activity implies the action of taking possession of the goods of the victim, while in the case of art.196 PC RM, the wrongdoer does not obtain possession of the actual goods of the victim.

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<cfTitle cfLangCode='RO' cfTrans='o'>Delimitarea infracțiunilor prevăzute la art.190 CP RM de infracțiunile prevăzute la art.196 CP RM: conotații teoretice și practice</cfTitle>
<cfAbstr cfLangCode='EN' cfTrans='o'><p>In this study the similarities and differences between the crimes under the marginal name of fraud (art.190 PC RM) and the crimes under the name of causing material damage through deception or abuse of trust (art.196 PC RM) are outlined. It revealed that similar adjacent actions, which are manifested either by deception or by abuse of trust, are both present in the criminal activity in art.190 and 196 PC RM. Also, it is accentuated that the rights upon the goods of another person &ndash; movable or unmovable &ndash; do not constitute object of criminal influence when related to crimes provided in art.190 PC RM whereas such a possibility that these rights could affect the criminal influence for the offences of art.196 PC RM is potential. Not least, it is concluded that in the hypothesis of crimes stipulated in art.190 PC RM, the main activity implies the action of taking possession of the goods of the victim, while in the case of art.196 PC RM, the wrongdoer does not obtain possession of the actual goods of the victim.</p></cfAbstr>