Factori de personalitate care influenţează receptarea şi asimilarea valorilor de către studenţi
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SM ISO690:2012
LUCHIAN, Teodosia. Factori de personalitate care influenţează receptarea şi asimilarea valorilor de către studenţi. In: Conferinţa ştiinţifică de totalizare a activităţii de cercetare a cadrelor didactice, 12 mai 2011, Cahul. Cahul: Tipografia "Centrografic" SRL, 2011, Volumul I, pp. 151-158. ISBN 978-9975-914-57-4.
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Dublin Core
Conferinţa ştiinţifică de totalizare a activităţii de cercetare a cadrelor didactice
Volumul I, 2011
Conferința "Conferinţa ştiinţifică de totalizare a activităţii de cercetare a cadrelor didactice"
Cahul, Moldova, 12 mai 2011

Factori de personalitate care influenţează receptarea şi asimilarea valorilor de către studenţi

Pag. 151-158

Luchian Teodosia
Universitatea de Stat „Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu“, Cahul
Disponibil în IBN: 23 martie 2021


A current goal of formation of human personality is the acquisition of values. They are known and assimilated in the learning process. The process of assimilation of values takes place during ontogenesis axiological personality. The child when is born, he founds in the social environment next material otherparts and spiritual values, which are expected to assimilate. Unlike other values, the moral is the most important element of culture, conscience and moral behavior. These values are, in fact, the quantitative and qualitative measure of moral, spiritual, emotional transformation at human consciousness that occurred in the educational plan through the use of certain means, methods, processes, or by combining them into one system. Moral values have a fairly high register. Among the most significant are: honesty, tolerance, kindness, humanity, honesty, fairness, justice, truth, equality, duty, respect, esteem, fairness, altruism, patriotism, responsibility, etc. Almost all the values that we speak about has a general human nature and national character. In the process of appropriating and assimilating them as moral concepts form what we call moral beliefs, moral character of youth. The conflict between personality values and those that are imposed by different political, social, ideological systems, is a barrier to individual creativity. The divergence of values is also one of the causes of conflicts between generations that we observe often. Option values and, especially, their ranking students is influenced by personality traits as a whole and the particular age group (youth).

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