Utilizarea platformei educaționale Moodle în procesul de instruire a disciplinei TCI
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SM ISO690:2012
POPOVICI, Ilona. Utilizarea platformei educaționale Moodle în procesul de instruire a disciplinei TCI. In: Inovaţia: factor al dezvoltării social-economice, 22 decembrie 2017, Cahul. Cahul, Republica Moldova: Universitatea de Stat „Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu” din C, 2017, pp. 174-178. ISBN 978-9975-88-025-1.
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Dublin Core
Inovaţia: factor al dezvoltării social-economice 2017
Conferința "Inovaţia: factor al dezvoltării social-economice"
Cahul, Moldova, 22 decembrie 2017

Utilizarea platformei educaționale Moodle în procesul de instruire a disciplinei TCI

Pag. 174-178

Popovici Ilona
Universitatea de Stat „Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu“, Cahul
Teze de doctorat:
Disponibil în IBN: 22 martie 2021


The exponential evolution in the field of computer science over the last decade has resulted in the development and development of many IT tools that are useful to the teaching process and implicitly the development of several e-learning platforms that have become more and more familiar to teachers and students. Generic eLearning learning can be defined as distance learning in an evolutionary and collaborative learning environment that combines traditional teaching methods with IT-based methods and aimed at enhancing the individual performance of educators. Learning through e-learning is based on a modern teaching, in a different way than the classical one, much more attractive, and in which an important role is played by knowledgebuilding and evaluation, made in an attractive and adaptable manner to the needs of both which drives learning, especially educators - pupils or students.

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<description xml:lang='en' descriptionType='Abstract'><p>The exponential evolution in the field of computer science over the last decade has resulted in the development and development of many IT tools that are useful to the teaching process and implicitly the development of several e-learning platforms that have become more and more familiar to teachers and students. Generic eLearning learning can be defined as distance learning in an evolutionary and collaborative learning environment that combines traditional teaching methods with IT-based methods and aimed at enhancing the individual performance of educators. Learning through e-learning is based on a modern teaching, in a different way than the classical one, much more attractive, and in which an important role is played by knowledgebuilding and evaluation, made in an attractive and adaptable manner to the needs of both which drives learning, especially educators - pupils or students.</p></description>