Flood runoff and land cover changes in the Cubolta river basin
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similare conform CZU
556.51:628.15(478) (1)
Hidrosfera. Apa în general. Hidrologie (468)
Tehnică sanitară. Apă. Igienă sanitară. Tehnica iluminatului (294)
SM ISO690:2012
JELEAPOV (CHIŞCIUC), Ana. Flood runoff and land cover changes in the Cubolta river basin. In: Lucrările Seminarului Geografic Internaţional „Dimitrie Cantemir”, 24 octombrie 2020, Iași. Iași, România: Universitatea „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iași, 2020, Ediția 40, p. 9.
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Dublin Core
Lucrările Seminarului Geografic Internaţional „Dimitrie Cantemir”
Ediția 40, 2020
Conferința " Lucrările Seminarului Geografic Internaţional"
Iași, Romania, 24 octombrie 2020

Flood runoff and land cover changes in the Cubolta river basin

CZU: 556.51:628.15(478)

Pag. 9-9

Jeleapov (Chişciuc) Ana
Institute of Ecology and Geography
Disponibil în IBN: 16 decembrie 2020


The main aim of the research evaluation of flood runoff of the Cubolta river located in the northern part of the Republic of Moldova. The Cubolta river length is 109 km and basin are is of 869 km2. Flood runoff temporal and spatial distribution, its evolution and change is analyzed and described. The time series of the flood characteristics are represented by the information monitored at Cubolta hydrological station for 1966-2012. Average maximal discharge is 13.3 m3/s, flood depth - 4.46 mm, volume -3.9 mil. m3, total flood duration - 10 day, increasing faze is 3.7 days. General trend for peak discharge is decreasing and for flood runoff depth is increasing. The largest floods occurred in 1985, 1971, 1987. Spatial distribution of flood runoff and its changes due to land use management activities from the last 3 decades was performed using SCS-CN model. Flood runoff modeling was performed for ungauged tributaries of the Cubolta river in condition of equal rainfall of 100 mm, land cover for 1982 and 2013 and 3 soil moisture conditions: dry, wet and average. Average modeled flood runoff values are 61 mm, 30 mm in case of dry soil and 85 in case of wet soils. General dynamics shows that for the last 3 decades the flood runoff has slightly decreased.

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<meta name="citation_publication_date" content="2020">
<meta name="citation_collection_title" content="Lucrările Seminarului Geografic Internaţional „Dimitrie Cantemir”">
<meta name="citation_volume" content="Ediția 40">
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