Online projects in Pandemic Time: Textile Art of Ukraine
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745.52(477) (4)
Desen. Design. Artă aplicată și meserii de artă (346)
SM ISO690:2012
LUKOVSKA, Olha. Online projects in Pandemic Time: Textile Art of Ukraine. In: Valorificarea patrimoniului etnocultural: în educaţia tinerei generaţii și a societăţii civile, 24 noiembrie 2020, Chişinău. Chișinău, Republica Moldova: Institutul Patrimoniului Cultural, 2020, Editia 5, p. 86. ISBN 978-9975-52-222-9.
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Dublin Core
Valorificarea patrimoniului etnocultural
Editia 5, 2020
Conferința "Valorificarea patrimoniului etnocultural în educaţia tinerei generaţii și a societăţii civile"
Chişinău, Moldova, 24 noiembrie 2020

Online projects in Pandemic Time: Textile Art of Ukraine

CZU: 745.52(477)

Pag. 86-86

Lukovska Olha
Ukrainian Academy of Printing
Disponibil în IBN: 26 noiembrie 2020


The pandemic time forces artists to reformat artistic life, to invent new approaches, to implement artistic ideas and ways of presentation. It appears that in quarantine time, it is possible to create actively and present achievements online quite successfully. The all-Ukrainian online project «Textile Art. Mixed Media « implemented by the Lviv organization of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine with the support of the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation is an example. The purpose of the project is to promote the innovative textile art of Ukraine and determine its position in the national and European art culture through the presentation and promotion of a wide range of theoretical and practical material. The online art project originally presented the latest achievements of the artists. The main products of the project were the exhibition of textile artworks in 3D format, the exhibition catalog, the audio guide on modern art textiles, and a promo video. In addition to the main exhibition, the audience could carefully review the authors’ works on a specialized website and obtain information about traditions and innovations in modern textile art of Ukraine and the world. The project provides nourishment for an in-depth study of the main trends in Ukrainian textile art. Thus, artists from all over Ukraine, who applied for the project and were selected for the competition, showed a variety of creative concepts and ideas. The exhibition includes innovative textile works that contain integration of textile art with other art forms. A particular feature of many artworks was the use of graphics and painting. It is significant that there is a strong connection with the traditions of national art in modern textile. This is due to the associative rethinking of compositional elements, combining and updating traditional performance techniques, and so on. Traditional techniques and materials obtain a brand new sound in conceptual works of art.

textile art, mixed media, online project