Improving baculoviral preparation for the control of the fall webworm moth (Hyphantria cunea DRURY)
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632.937.1:595.78 (1)
Boli ale plantelor. Dăunători și organisme vătămătoare pentru plante. Protejarea plantelor (996)
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SM ISO690:2012
STÎNGACI, Aurelia. Improving baculoviral preparation for the control of the fall webworm moth (Hyphantria cunea DRURY). In: Oltenia - studii si comunicari stiintele naturii, 2013, nr. 2(29), pp. 161-165. ISSN 1454-6914.
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Oltenia - studii si comunicari stiintele naturii
Numărul 2(29) / 2013 / ISSN 1454-6914

Improving baculoviral preparation for the control of the fall webworm moth (Hyphantria cunea DRURY)

CZU: 632.937.1:595.78

Pag. 161-165

Stîngaci Aurelia
Institutul de Protecţie a Plantelor şi Agricultură Ecologică al AŞM
Disponibil în IBN: 14 noiembrie 2020


Potential agricultural production loss caused by the activity of pest organisms in the world was always a concern at international level. In many countries there were established viral preparations applied in practice in order to reduce the number of pests. In such context, the problem is connected to large application of baculoviral preparations that have become a reality only by elaboration and organization of production of such biological means, work registered after execution of deep biotechnological researches. They are ubiquitous in the environment and are known to be an important contributor to insect population regulation. These characteristics make them good candidates for the management of crop and forest insect pests with minimal or no off-target impacts. Commercial production of baculoviruses for the use as biological control agents of insect pests is carried out worldwide at different scales depending on the market. In order to obtain viral insecticides, it is necessary a mass multiplication of phytophagous insect larvae to obtain a significant biomass baculovirus. For a normal result of the infection process it is necessary to ensure optimal conditions of temperature, humidity and aeration. This has been developed by elaborating special technological equipment for the production of viral insecticides in combating H. cunea

Hyphantria cunea Drury, improving, baculoviral preparation, VG, VPN