
Afișare rezultate

Afisarea articolelor 1-2(2) pentru cuvîntul-cheie "Dniester Hydropower Complex"
Assessment of the iimpact off the Dniiester Hydropower Compllex on hydrollogiicall state of the Dniiester Riive
Jeleapov (Chişciuc) Ana
Institute of Ecology and Geography
Central European Journal of Geography and Sustainable Development (CEJGSD)
Nr. 2 / 2022 / ISSN 2668-4322
Disponibil online 27 March, 2023. Descarcări-2. Vizualizări-212
Efectul pulsatoriu al undelor de apă de evacuare din cadrul complexului hidroenergetic nistrean (efectul hydropeaking)
Jeleapov (Chişciuc) Ana
Transboundary Dniester River Basin Management and EU Integration – Step by Step
2022. Chişinău. ISBN 978-9975-3201-9-1.
Disponibil online 15 November, 2023. Descarcări-0. Vizualizări-154

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