Lista publicaţiilor: Sommariva M. - 2

2018 - 1

X-ray scattering studies of nanocrystalline and amorphous materials on a laboratory diffraction system
Sommariva M., Gateshki M., Enache Mihai
1 Malvern Panalytical B.V. , Almelo,
2 Malvern Panalytical B.V. Branche Romania, Bucharest
Materials Science and Condensed Matter Physics
Ediția 9. 2018. Chișinău, Republica Moldova. Institutul de Fizică Aplicată. 199-199.
Disponibil online 7 February, 2019

2016 - 1

Structural characterization of supported catalysts by X-ray scattering techniques
Sommariva M., Dadivanyan N. , Gateshki M., Lukashuk L. , Rupprechter G. , Fottinger K.
1 Malvern Panalytical B.V. , Almelo,
2 Technical University of Vienna
Materials Science and Condensed Matter Physics
Editia 8. 2016. Chişinău. Institutul de Fizică Aplicată. 218-218.
Disponibil online 31 July, 2019

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