
Afiliat la Биосферный заповедник Аскания-Нова им. Ф. Э. Фальц-Фейна

2021 - 1

Contribution of the Biosphere Reserve «Askania Nova» to restoration of animal species within their former habitats
Havrylenko Viktor
Conservarea diversităţii biologice – o şansă pentru remedierea ecosistemelor
2021. Chișinău, Republica Moldova. "Print-Caro" SRL. 397-403.
Disponibil online 9 November, 2021

2016 - 1

Prospects for conservation and risks of loss of rare species in protected areas of a steppe zone of Ukraine
Havrylenko Viktor
Sustainable use, protection of animal world and forest management in the context of climate change
Ediția 9. 2016. Chișinău. Institutul de Zoologie. 53-54.
Disponibil online 12 November, 2018

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