
Afiliat la Gradina Botanică (Institut) a AŞM

2015 - 3

As regards to embryonic difference, multiplication and conducted cloning
Ciubotaru Alexandru , Chiţan Raisa
International Congress of Geneticists and Breeders from the Republic of Moldova
Ediţia 10. 2015. Chisinau, Republic of Moldova. . 9-9.
Disponibil online 7 October, 2019
Probleme ecologo-genetice provocate de erbicide şi pesticide aplicate în agrocenozele intensive
Ciubotaru Alexandru , Chiţan Raisa
International Congress of Geneticists and Breeders from the Republic of Moldova
Ediţia 10. 2015. Chisinau, Republic of Moldova. . 14-15.
Disponibil online 7 October, 2019
Эмбриологические и цитогенетические предпосылки к разгадке феномена Ксении и Метаксении2f3
Ciubotaru Alexandru , Chiţan Raisa
International Congress of Geneticists and Breeders from the Republic of Moldova
Ediţia 10. 2015. Chisinau, Republic of Moldova. . 27-28.
Disponibil online 7 October, 2019

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