
Afiliat la Administrația Națională de Meteorologie, București

2022 - 2

Changes in number of snow cover days over Romania in the last 60 years
Amihăesei Vlad-Alexandru , Micu Dana-Magdalena , Apostol Liviu , Dumitrescu Alexandru , Cheval Sorin
Present Environment and Sustainable Development
Ediția 17. 2022. Iași. . 86-87.
Disponibil online 9 June, 2022
Urban Climate Assessment: a pre- requisite in designing cities' resilience response to climate change for Romania's North-East Development Region
Sfîcă Lucian , Ichim Pavel , Bistricean Petruţ Ionel , Amihăesei Vlad-Alexandru , Crețu Claudiu-Ștefănel , Irașoc Adrian , Hrițac Robert
Present Environment and Sustainable Development
Ediția 17. 2022. Iași. . 19-19.
Disponibil online 7 June, 2022

2019 - 1

NOx and O3 variability and its relation with weather conditions in Iași city
Amihăesei Vlad-Alexandru , Amihăesei Vlad-Alexandru , Apostol Liviu , Leahu Alina
Present Environment and Sustainable Development
Nr. 2 / 2019 / ISSN 1843-5971 / ISSNe 2284-7820
Disponibil online 26 May, 2020

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