Competenţele de comunicare ale elevilor care încep ciclul liceal
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2024-06-11 19:13
SM ISO690:2012
FLOREA, Mihaela. Competenţele de comunicare ale elevilor care încep ciclul liceal. In: Cadrul didactic – promotor al politicilor educaționale, Ed. 1, 11-12 octombrie 2019, Chişinău. Chișinău, Republica Moldova: Institutul de Ştiinţe ale Educaţiei, 2019, pp. 710-715. ISBN 978-9975-48-156-4 .
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Dublin Core
Cadrul didactic – promotor al politicilor educaționale 2019
Conferința "Cadrul didactic – promotor al politicilor educaționale"
1, Chişinău, Moldova, 11-12 octombrie 2019

Competenţele de comunicare ale elevilor care încep ciclul liceal

Pag. 710-715

Florea Mihaela
Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat „Ion Creangă“ din Chişinău
Disponibil în IBN: 20 decembrie 2019


It is a fact that nowadays students have communication problems, even if there is a struggle to all levels to enhance these skills, for a better insertion in the labor market and for a better quality of life. The results obtained in PISA tests for Romanian students are lower than in many other countries, situation also revealed by OECD statistics and the economic impact of this high rate of functional illiteracy is difficult to evaluate. It is obvious an important issue for economic and social environment, because today`s students are tomorrow`s professionals. We need to set future goals in order to take immediate and effective measures for improve the communication competences and, at the end of upper secondary cycle, students can prove a real ability to face challenges of a working place and to have quality social life.