Трансформация сельского расселения и формирование хозяйственных центров сельскохозяйственных организаций в зоне влияния крупного города
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Ultima descărcare din IBN:
2022-03-14 21:48
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332.363 (5)
Land use (168)
SM ISO690:2012
ЖЕЛЯСКОВ, А.. Трансформация сельского расселения и формирование хозяйственных центров сельскохозяйственных организаций в зоне влияния крупного города. In: Cadastru și Drept, Ed. 48, 4-6 octombrie 2018, Chișinău. Chişinău Republica Moldova: Universitatea Agrară de Stat din Moldova, 2018, Vol.48, pp. 37-41. ISBN 978-9975-64-297-2.
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Dublin Core
Cadastru și Drept
Vol.48, 2018
Simpozionul "Dezvoltarea durabilă a mediului rural - realizări şi perspective"
48, Chișinău, Moldova, 4-6 octombrie 2018

Трансформация сельского расселения и формирование хозяйственных центров сельскохозяйственных организаций в зоне влияния крупного города

CZU: 332.363

Pag. 37-41

Желясков А.
Пермский Государственный аграрно-технологический университет имени Академика Д.Н.Прянишникова
Disponibil în IBN: 12 noiembrie 2019


The location of production units and economic centers as an integral part of land management in the new economic and social conditions requires an integrated approach affecting the territorial, economic and social aspects. The change in the nature of rural settlement over the past quarter century is obvious. The assessment of conditions and quality of life in rural areas is changing, the nature of rural settlements, their economic significance and functional purpose are changing. Especially dynamic is the transformation of rural settlement in the areas of influence of large cities. The article shows the results of this transformation, the reasons for changes in the economic significance of settlements, the classification of settlements of the suburbs. The differences and peculiarities of economic centers location in the conditions of planned and market economy are shown. The necessity of formation of systems of the rural population in the uniform territory is proved, the system-forming factors are revealed. The necessity of an integrated approach to the location of economic centers, the implementation of an integrated approach schemes and land management projects. The possibility of achieving sustainable results that contribute to the development of both individual areas and urban agglomerations in General is proved.

economic centers, rural settlement, transformation of the number and size of settlements, suburban area, urban areas.

DataCite XML Export

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<title xml:lang='ru'>Трансформация сельского расселения и формирование хозяйственных центров сельскохозяйственных организаций в зоне влияния крупного города</title>
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<description xml:lang='en' descriptionType='Abstract'><p>The location of production units and economic centers as an integral part of land management in the new economic and social conditions requires an integrated approach affecting the territorial, economic and social aspects. The change in the nature of rural settlement over the past quarter century is obvious. The assessment of conditions and quality of life in rural areas is changing, the nature of rural settlements, their economic significance and functional purpose are changing. Especially dynamic is the transformation of rural settlement in the areas of influence of large cities. The article shows the results of this transformation, the reasons for changes in the economic significance of settlements, the classification of settlements of the suburbs. The differences and peculiarities of economic centers location in the conditions of planned and market economy are shown. The necessity of formation of systems of the rural population in the uniform territory is proved, the system-forming factors are revealed. The necessity of an integrated approach to the location of economic centers, the implementation of an integrated approach schemes and land management projects. The possibility of achieving sustainable results that contribute to the development of both individual areas and urban agglomerations in General is proved.</p></description>