Characteristics of the Technology Transfer Processes in the Republic of Moldova: SME Case Study
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001.895:338(478) (47)
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SM ISO690:2012
CRUDU, Rodica, PETRICI, Mihaela. Characteristics of the Technology Transfer Processes in the Republic of Moldova: SME Case Study. In: Center for Studies in European Integration Working Papers Series, 2017, nr. 7, pp. 6-19. ISSN -.
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Center for Studies in European Integration Working Papers Series
Numărul 7 / 2017 / ISSN - /ISSNe 2537-6187

Characteristics of the Technology Transfer Processes in the Republic of Moldova: SME Case Study

CZU: 001.895:338(478)
JEL: O30, O 32

Pag. 6-19

Crudu Rodica, Petrici Mihaela
Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova
Disponibil în IBN: 16 mai 2018


Nowadays, in a world of constant economic change, SMEs and technology transfer play a key role when it comes to innovation. SMEs are directly engaged in the development and commercialization of innovations. They are also adopters of innovations developed by other organizations, they provide ideas and inputs to ideas generation that are exploited by large firms, universities/research organizations and other small firms. However, SMEs often face larger barriers on capital and labour markets than larger established businesses. It is for that reason that multiple policy measures have been adopted to target those firms and their opportunities to engage in innovation, which is why this study aims to reflect upon the characteristics of the technology transfer in the Republic of Moldova through means of a SME case study.

technology transfer, innovation, SME, Republic of Moldova

DataCite XML Export

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<creatorName>Petrici, M.</creatorName>
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<description xml:lang='en' descriptionType='Abstract'><p><em>Nowadays, in a world of constant economic change, SMEs and technology transfer play a key role when it comes to innovation. SMEs are directly engaged in the development and commercialization of innovations. They are also adopters of innovations developed by other organizations, they provide ideas and inputs to ideas generation that are exploited by large firms, universities/research organizations and other small firms. However, SMEs often face larger barriers on capital and labour markets than larger established businesses. It is for that reason that multiple policy measures have been adopted to target those firms and their opportunities to engage in innovation, which is why this study aims to reflect upon the characteristics of the technology transfer in the Republic of Moldova through means of a SME case study.</em></p></description>